Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Domino, Stud Ranches, Perverts,WTF, yehaw! Now This Is My Kinda Blog!

My azz is finally feelin' somewhat human again, so here I go...lmfao!

For starters when I was in my med haze Sista Stephy sent me these hilarious piccys of Mickey.(thanks chickee NLL) I think he was on the tail end of his stay in LA before he headed out to Canada. I wonder if it was during the page 6 piece in the NY Post thang I blogged bout. Cuz dayum the scenery sure looked like he was at Giuseppe Francos salon, but I cant say for sure so dun go quoting me on that. Why do I say these piccys are hilarious? Well it aint cuz Mickey was doin' sumthan funny, it was the friggin' shirt he was wearin'. It was this like soft pink T shirt, it had a horse in the middle and it said in big ole' letters *STUD RANCH*. I looked at that and thought for a minute I was tweakin', cuz dayum, I bout laffed muhself into a fukin' fit. Maybe I was juz silly on my bronchitis meds (note to self, neva eva take that shiot again it makes me too loopey) I was like dayum, how many men can be secure with wearin' the color pink, and a soft pink at that? Not many in my book. To me, ya better have a huge set of nads to pull that off. Plus with the words stud ranch big and bold on it and all the connontations that brings to mind, well lets juz say I had a well needed laugh in a good way :) I juz like that Mickey can be hisself and not give a flyin' fuk bout whut others think in regards to his threads. Woot woot to that!

Dont go havin' a roni on me peeps, yes I did see Domino! Twice in fact. No not cuz Im some flake either. The 1st time I went to see it this pervert sat next to me, kept askin' to hold my hand and tryin' to kiss me and was runnin' up on my ear tellin' me he thought I was hot. GRRR..well there went my popcorn over his head and there went my cracker azz out to the theatre manager tellin' him the wacko was spoilin' my movie. Ya know, Mickey taught Kiera how to punch, wish I could hook up with some punchin' lessons somewhere, dayum they would have come in real handy that afternoon!! How I wanted to lean some weight on that mo' fro'. I cant say everything I want to bout the pervert,Id get gagged by blogger but lets juz say I got a free ticket to see another showing of Domino cuz of his freaky self..woot woot.....good thing too, cuz I had to scrounge around in the couch cushions to raise coin to see the flick and get me some popcorn. I did smuggle in my own drink and chocolate...mmmmmm...chocolate..drool, drool.

I dunno why peeps are shredding Domino. I loved it! I thought it was really a kick azz flick. Seein' Choco...ok, umm, Ill keep it clean (weg)..rotflmfao.... seein' Mick coppin' a squat on the shiotter with his IBS, with his pants down around his ankles..LMAO! I was like oh dayum thats funny...then the A.P.A.T.T. thang, hey Im all for that! buhahahaha... they play the tune from 2 Live Crew in the nympho meeting, ya know I had to spin some of that when I hopped in my truck after the flick. Then to top off that scene the peanut butter and dogs mention..omfg...oh, the RV too, wow, what an eyesore that thang was. It was cool though, the whole movie. I aint gonna go and give it away here, but dayum it was a kick azz rattle your teeth flick, juz the way I like em'. I do wonder wtf is up with the bible beater psychic dude that ends up takin' em' to Vegas after they thrash the RV. Whats with that dude? The 3 sassy black chicks and shiot were kickin' too. One of em' looks suspiciously like Lafawnda from my fav. flick Napolean Dynamite. That flow chart thang was a totally rotf moment. Christopher Walken was, as always, a treat to watch. He seems so eccentric in the roles he plays, thats one rockin' dude. I wonder if talkin' to him is like having a conversation filled with riddles. Either way that was an added bonus havin' Walken in the movie too. What can ya say bout Kiera? She really went off the hinges in this flick. I never was a big fan of hers before, but this movie changed my perception of her. She was really friggin' amazing to me at least, hot to boot, whut more could ya ask for really? The part of the flick where she rides the bull in the bar...wooohooo!! It made me wish I was back on Sunset Blvd. ridin' the mechanical bull in that bar near the hotel I stay at.(another note to self, next year pull my hair back before gettin' on that badboy, my hair was full of tangles after that ride!l...lmfao) I love her leather coat in the movie, I have leather envy...lol....and here I thought my leather collection was pretty complete, well I guess it never can be complete really...rotflmfao.....I better change the subject here before I go off on a tangent bout black leather...oooh lala.....

Oh, I did notice sumthan kinda that makes ya go hmmm....the wardrobe lady or dude, I dunno...but this person juz goes by the initial B. was mentioned in the credits. That looked vaguely familiar to me so the next day I call Stephy and she confirms that B. did the wardrobe for Spun and Out In Fifty. Well, she or he musta had alot bigger budget with Domino than Spun. That was a interesting lil' factoid I noticed. Hey thats sayin alot for me, cuz most days I cant find my way home or remember where I was goin' when I left my haus in the 1st place...lol.....
I think my favorite part of the whole movie was the laundry mat scene. I know Im odd, but I like bein' odd....when Mickey and Kiera are blabbin' bout wtf Ed used to do before he became a bounty hunter and that lil' thang bout Ed knowin Pat Benatar, and Domino is like...no way,shut up, I love Pat Benatar, and Ed is like...I loved her too, love is a battlefield baby or whateva..HAHA...that cracked me up. Also Eds SRV mention is cool too. SRV's ride went down right outside Alpine Valley Ampitheatre(East Troy, Wi), which is my neck of the woods. I remember that day vividly, how friggin' sad. My sister is a huge SRV fan and she was juz beside herself and swore she'd never see another concert at Alpine Valley, well shes kept her word and hasnt. Me on the other hand, I had to sneak back down there to see Bon Jovi, Megadeth and Ozzfest among others...I always wonder bout Alpine Valley, so many peeps have strange azz stories to tell bout that place and eerie happenings. Maybe they juz got budweiser poisioning after a show, I dunno...lmfao....anyway, it seems in some scenes in Domino there is alot of Mickey personally put into Ed's role. Makes sense since Mickey said he hated the script when he 1st saw it, then Tony Scott let Mickey and a writer make some changes to it, so it seemed more real or whateva'. I dunno if Im makin' any sense here, but if that aint the truth, then Mickey is one hell of an actor. A lil' of both I think, course Mickey is one hell of an actor...duh!

Oh one last note before I go hop in the sack.....now I know where all you hair people and Giuseppe Franco fans(among others) are findin' this Blog at. Yuh sometimes I should wear that dunce hat...lol...somehow in web land our names are oddly linked in more than a few search engines. The thangs those search engines pull up...anyway, I had no idea that scribblin' out the hairdresser and the badboy part 1 and due articles, would get it linked that way. Ya'll must be doin' a general search under his name or sumthan' and lookin' for info. bout him and his salon. Either way stranger things have happened, and now the mystery is solved for me..yay.... did I mention Im a little slow sometimes? HAHA...aces out peeps :)

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