Sunday, October 30, 2005

Im workin' on it peeps

Yep, Im workin' on another thang to post here, but ya know this next one from muh azz is going to include some techno mumbo jumbo, therefore Ive been bustin a nut doin' my homework on the subject and then some. Ive never been the kind of chick who has had to study, but dayum this shiot is/was foreign to me, so I din want come off as some biotch talkin' shiot to yaz. Im almost done wif it, so dun go gettin' them undies in a bunch peeps. If they are in a bunch, take em off, toss em out and burn them bastards, useless piece of clothing. Sista' Stephy has sumthan' up her sleeve as always, so she may be postin' it here pretty quick. Speakin' of Stephy, you nazzy girl! Tellin' peeps bout muh black leatha' and remindin' em Im juz a heathen that got booted outta church. I aint even goin' into that story! ACK!!...Oh, before I forget Stephy, I got a friend that umm, how should I say this...ummm....that is employed by thee huge haus on the west coast and is gonna be able to hook ya up wif that article youve been missin' that a certain person has :) Oh and Im gettin your azz a new apron, this one is gonna say...spank me Im the cook.....LMAO!...Im hungry, lets get a taco.

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