Thursday, October 13, 2005

Playing Catch Up & FHM Interview.....

damn chick, you have been a bloggin machine since I have been I assume soukal is Norwegian for sugo....ROTFLMAO!!! Yes, the family is preparing a feast to celebrate the arrival of my neice Ava Marie .The festivities aren't until Sunday - October 16th...however, this day will be bittersweet...Sunday would have been my brother Michael's 41st birthday - hard to believe he's been gone 8 we both know - life's a trade off , in which we have no contorl. Anywho, fly your ass down here. We could have rip-roaring goodtime - you could meet the family - ooh then maybe the next day we could take a lil roadtrip to Miami...woot woot!! Give me a call... we can talk about it. lol!

Holy Shiot! Thanks for taping Jimmy Kimmel..I was sooo hoping you would do that for me - the show has been blacked out in Orlando. WTF!! sounds like I would have been pissed off to if JK kept running his yap and not let Mickey talk. I have never watched his show - sounds like Jay Leno - another one that likes to hear himself talk. I think David Letterman is the only host that lets Mickey talk about whatever..lOl...Well, at least I still have Ellen DeGeneres to watch. I had a shiot load of questions about this show, asking when is he on or has it aired yet, what did Mickey say.. according to my late night sheet & Ellen DeGeneres's on October 14th you just need to check your local listings.

Sista I can't wait til you check out Domino. I have noticed the reviews haven't been to favorable. I don't read the entire text..the first line of a review prettie much tells it all..
Like I have said in a previous post. I am a Tony Scott fan. Seem most folks have a problem with his editing style. Fuk, I must have a screw loose , cause it doesn't bother me one bit. I don't get lost in the plot - none of that crap.
I say enjoy it. It's rock & roll - with a cast of eccentric characters, solid writing and killer tunes. WTF more do people want. Its entertainment. Now this is just my opinion & I didn't go see this movie cause Mickey was in it. Don't get me wrong - it was great to see him up there on the big screen, but it wasn't a requirement. I enjoyed it so much..I am going to see it again tomorrow..woohoo!!

As for those Mickey tidbits you mentioned - I hope to a have em in a couple of days..but until then - I thought I would share something with everyone. I recieved the November 05 issue of the UK mag FHM.. there is a short interveiw with Mickey ..I thought I would post it a lil at a time. One more thing before I move on.. all the questions and comments I have recieved I will get fact, look for some of em to be posted. Sista and I receive some very interesting stuff. Some good & some bad. but we don't mind. Now on to the interview : by Dominic Smith - "Quote UnQuote"

You star in the new bounty hunter action thriller Domino. Did you crack onto Keira Knightley?
Oh no. I"ll put it to you straight. I don't like actresses because most of them are mediocre and ... I just don't like them. But I like Keira Knightley a lot. She's very samrt, she's a lady and she's somebody that you wanna put your arm around and say " Fuck off" , if somebody's bothering her.

With movies like Domino, Man On Fire and Sin City you're in demand again, but here was a 13 yr period when no mainstream director would touch you. How bad was that?
It was like being in purgatory. I was living in a city where they put you out like a cigarette butt. I was talking to my psychiatrist about five actors that I like and I said if those guys had to live like I 'm living right now , they'd blow their fucking brains out. And he said " All those guys wouldn't know how to fall as far as you have; only you could fall this far"

You were massive in the late 1980s- how did your career go so spectacularly , horrendously wrong?
It was never about my acting. I was about other issues that were out of control ; an arrogance that I had and an angriness. There was stuff from my childhood that I wasn't able to put a lid on ; I had a lot of issues of shame from a long time ago and they would turn to anger, which was easier to deal with than shame.

What were those issues?
I don't want to get into those. They're private issues from a long time ago.

Did you really go from being a multi-millionare to being penniless?
You bet your ass. I was just existing, it was like being in jail. I had no money , I was selling my motorcycles off. But I was selfish , angry and arrogant and I fucked it all up.

Is it true that at you lowest point you hacked your little finger off?
No comment ( holds up his hand ) I've got my fingers.
But we read that you had it stitched back on...
Oh you did, yeah ? ( Smiles ) No comment. That has nothing to do with my career.
But its true"
No Comment. I can't answer that one.

I will end it here. I might might put up more tonight - hope ya'll enjoyed it..


Heather Leather said...

LMFAO, yuh Ive been a bloggin machine dats fer sure! Gives me a lil sumthan to do between weaning the litter of kittens Im fostering and preparing for my gallery presentation(Im soo nervous! Ill prolly wet my pants or start sweating profusley...rotflmfao) You bet your sweet azz I taped that show for ya! Woot woot, cant wait to read the rest of that interview!
Aww, that lil' punkin Ava Marie, tell her that evil auntie TS will be sendin her a lil package :) Your SOO right on with life being a trade off. Time goes by so fast when ya lose someone :( But, now your family has somethin to kickin' to celebrate in October! yehaw!! Dayum chick, I should totally hop a flight down and partake in all the yummies! Tehehehehe.... Shiot, we should mosey on down to Miami...I want to go to that club ya always read is it called...BED....sounds like a fun place(weg)
Oh, remind me to tell yaz my lil' Ellen story, its kinda sorta loosely related to Mickey bein' on Ellen tomorrow in a round about way.

Sista Stephy said...

LMAO!!! You are full of surprise's..You have an Ellen story and have never told me a thing about it. WTF! I guess its that memory thing you got going on..
My friend Amy hit BED last yr.. I bet my story bout a lot more interesting then your Ellen story...rotflmao!!
We'll have to compare notes..Any time you're ready to head to South Beach...let me know..I know a couple of people down that way who could hook us up...