Monday, December 12, 2005

The BIG Day Is Finally Here!! Woot woot!!

Well the big day is finally here...well almost..lmfao....Tomorrow Tuesday December 13th is thee day you've all been waitin' for....The release date of Sin City, unrated, 2 disc special edition . According to the newest Entertainment Weekly-Dec.16th edition where they do a lil' short question thang with Robert Rodriguez, he says it will include commentaries, featurettes on make up, props, costumes and then some. Robert seems like one interesting character, well in my opinion at least. He says in this ET thang that we can expect Sin City 2 & 3. Apparently there is going to be an audio track of audiences reactions as well b-cuz he went from theatre to theatre just to see people going Oh My Gawd when the Yellow Bastards balls get ripped off. He also says that people say they they love DVD, but miss the audience experience when watching a movie, thus the audio track included. I guess its cuz he wants to try and recreate that feelin' for ya, hey thats cool, but shiot, I didnt see Roberts azz in my neck of the woods...LMFAO!!

Interestingly enough Robert also says that he isnt worried about demystifying the process of his movie madness because if you give away your tricks as an artist, it forces you to come up with new tricks. Also, that as an artist, the process is usually more important than the end result....hey I can relate to that! Lastly, he says that the future DVD releases of Sin City 2 & 3 will prolly be more elaborate. That when you do a sequal you can be more experimental because peeps are ready for it. That he can present the movie in several ways: Shoot full stories, then cut a tighter theatrical version, but the real version will be on DVD. He akins the future DVD releases of Sin City 2 & 3 to being able to have a book collection. How kickin' is that? Yes my friends, it seems Robert is confident and pumped about the upcoming films....Yehaw! Finally someone in Hollyweird that has a set of balls and aint afraid to show em' off now and again.

Dont forget, tomorrow is thee release date, get yer azz to the store, pronto! I know I am. Judging by how fast the earlier generic copies sold out on their release day, ya better plan on bein' there early, or get left in the cold. And its cold as a witches tit here, so ya dun wanna be stuck there!

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