Monday, January 09, 2006

Here We Go Again

Sunday found my azz in the checkout line at the grocery store once again. No surprise an exciting way to spend a good chunk of your Sunday afternoon your saying right? HAHA...not!
Anyway, ya know how grocery store lines are, the most excruciatingly painful, just flat heard of peeps going postal, how bout going grocery on peeps. The screaming kids with thier moms screeching at em, the people who treat the grocery store as their social outing for the freaking week, the peeps whove gotta park their dayum cart right in the middle of the aisle and turn a deaf ear on ya when ya bout shout...excuse me! Then the checkout line....the asshole behind ya bumping their cart into the back of your ankles, the person in front of you in the 10 items or less line, that has 40 items and 100 coupons, the kid sittin in the cart in front of ya, that wont stop staring at ya while his mom unloads 10 tons of food, ya kinda get batty. Well, at least I do(weg). To stop muhself from goin' *grocery* on someone I usually peruse the trashy magazines to shut out the onslaught of noise, and to keep myself from blowing a gasket. And no, by trashy magazines I mean the gossip rags (get that mind outta the gutter peeps...lmfao).

So there I am, flippin thru the latest Star trash (January 16th edition) thinking about poking myself in the eye with the most handy sharp object if I have to read 1 more thing about the Brit baby fiasco or another iota bout Brad and Angelina...and I turn the page to the Star's infamous worst looks of the week page. Lo and behold theres a piccy of Mickey with a caption that reads sumthan like...did he juz rob a haus in Miami. The pic looked like he was strollin somewhere wearin' a brown beanie type of hat,( that hes so fond of ) with blue jeans and a blue and white striped blazer kinda thang. Then I got to reading who made the comment bout him and it was that chick Angela....who also happens to write for that TV show The View(yuh go figure, waste of airwave consumption there..bleh). So then instead of gettin' all razzed, I juz laffed. Why? Well have ya taken a good look at the chick who writes the nonesense to begin with?...Hmm, Im thinking the family tree dosent branch, my sister, my friend, my wife kinda situation. But thats juz my own take on her and her petty comment bout what Mickey was sportin' for threads.

Hell, I didnt think his clothes looked bad at all. Mickey can pull off things that other men would have a real hard time pullin' off. He marches to the beat of his own drum instead of conforming to societys little mold. Ya gotta give him alot of credit for that, at least I do...cuz ya know how much I hate societies lil box and molds that the *majority* try to shove people into. Mickey is Mickey. Appreciate him for how he is, or step off.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I occasionally get sucked into glancing in those while standing in line. It is ridiulous how they come up with the most fucked up things they can find to throw at Mickey. You half to admit though, sometimes they throw a goofy comment, nothing bad at all.

Heather Leather said...

woot woot...can ya tell Im a Mickey fan? lmfao!!..pffft on that chick and others who constantly diss Mickey out and cut him off at the knees!

Heather Leather said...

Yuh I dont mind the funny comments, but when their humor is hurtful in nature, that is what gets this Norske all cranky. Well Im glad Im not the only one who gets sucked into pagin' thru those rags...Its the lesser of 2 evils for me - either paste someone or look at the mags, not a hard choice..tehehhehe....I really have a hard time when they are so mean to Mickey, or anyone for that matter I bet those spineless peeps that make the nazzy comments wouldnt have the tits or balls to say it to his face.