Saturday, March 04, 2006

Angelina Jolie In Sin City Sequal? We'll see, and then some!

Same ole song and dance peeps...I was in my usual Friday night Hotspot....the checkout line at the grocery store, stuck behind the person with 2 cart loads of food and 10 million coupons...yep, true to my nasty self I started flippin' thru the gossip mags and came across a lil thang in the lates issue of Star ( I think Ive become a pro at scanning for info...rotflmfao) Anyway...this weeks lil thang goes sumthan' like this. Theres a big ole' spread on the latest bout the Pitt-Jolie bump blah blah, and a lil blurb jumps off the page at me....." Angelina will need to be back in fighting form by fall if she takes a role in director Robert Rodriguez's Sin City Sequel, which, the source says, she's been offered but has not yet accepted." For the record it was saying that she was bitchin' bout gettin' heavy while she's preggers. (scratching my head and did she think was gonna happen when she got pregnant? Pose for a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar?...duh! Im sure she'll have the luxury of a personal trainer and all that stuff once she has the child, as does every starlet it seems. Sorry, no sympathy here on that one, ya want that go look in the dictionary, it's listed between shit and syphillis..pffft) We'll that's tonights lil tidbit :)

As long as we are talking Sin City, ya may have noticed I added the video to Johnny Cash's *Hurt* song on here. Ive been meaning to blab about this for awhile now but have been too darn buzy. For those of you who arent in the know, it was rumored that during the filming of Sin City that Mickey repeatedly listened to this particular song to get into the groove of Marv...that you could hear him coming on set, cuz you'd hear that song playin'.....As ya well know I cut my teeth on the Man In Black, lived and breathed him actually and have almost every record, 8 track, cassette and CD he put out. (Pops was a huge fan, as well as Elvis, but who's parents werent into Elvis back in the day? lol) Anyway, Hurt is such a powerful, heart wrenching song. Stop and actually listen to the words, rather than enjoying it as a musical piece. It's sad as hell, yet a great love story at the same time(no the original didnt give me that impression at, but Mr. Cash's version did)Yes it's a remake, but only Johnny could do it the way he did it, and put his own personal spin on it, to improve upon it. To go off here for a moment....I recently saw the movie Walk The Line bout his life....we'll I absolutley hated it(sorry peeps). It really could have been done alot better in my opinion. If your doin' a flick on someones life friggin' story, why not include the whole life, and/or major stepping stones, not just what the brainiacs in Hollyweird ( said with extreme sarcasm)thinks audiences want to see. Johnny had such a amazing life and they barely scratched the surface. And to be off beat/rhythem during Ring Of Fire, that is just unexplainable. And the whole Prision concert scene....sheesh, were the producers afraid they were going to offend someone? word vomit. I do commend the main players in the movie though, its gotta be tough to emulate yourself into people as legendary as Johnny Cash and June Carter, but at least be accurate with timing and rhythem for fucks sake....then again, maybe this movie wasnt made for accuracy, maybe it was made to just feed money into the whole Hollyweird machine. Ok, rant over...lmfao.....enjoy the song...stop and listen to the song, feel the song coursing thru your veins. Close your eyes and be a passenger on the journey that Johnny openly invites you on. You'll have a totally different outlook of the song, and maybe get a different aspect/outlook on Marv in a round about way.

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