Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Can You Believe This?

As an enthusiastic Mickey supporter Ive really seen alot of things. Some good, some not so good. The one resounding theme I have seen though, is this...Mickey doesn't take any crap from nobody. If someone disses him, steals from him, or is just acting like a complete asshole, he'll be the 1st to call em' out. It does seem like Mickey lives his life just being himself, doing what he does and keeping a stiff upper lip when people are trying to cut him off at the knees. What struck a chord in me was his ability to live honestly, freely, wth self respect and dignity, in the face of so many people trying to trip him up along the way. His tenacity to keep plugging away when things werent going so good. Ya gotta admire those qualities in people, wether it be Mickey Rourke or even the single mother or the homeless person on the street corner. Scratching your head and wondering how someone whos homeless can live with honestly, freedom and self respect? They can, they do their thang and do what they have to do to get by. Maybe they dont particularly like their situation, but hey, they're doin' what they have to do.

Anyway, obviously my friend Stephy and I (NLL chick) decided to combine our knowledge, huge Rourke memorabilia collections, and enthusiasm into a website and this Blog. What 1st started out as a tiny place on the internet has grown by leaps and bounds. Recently our website,, surpassed 10,000 hits...woot woot!! We wanted to take the time to thank you, our internet visitors for your continued support and friendship. You've stuck with us thru alot of road blocks, hardships, the good and the bad...everything! Without your support we would still be just a little spit spot on the pavement of the internet. We welcome and continue to appreciate everything, it means more to us than you can imagine.

Which brings me to this.....whats the old saying...a few bad apples? Yes we've encountered bushelfuls of them. More than you can fathom. Does it get us down, naw, just another hurdle we must overcome and work through. Frustrating? at times it can be, that is if you allow it to get under your skin. In the face of being personally attacked, lied about, stolen from and dissed out elsewhere on the internet, Stephy and I still persevere. Why? We'll no one is going to run us off all willy nilly like they did to other Rourke sites. Nope, we aren't the type of chicks to turn tail and run. We pride ourselves in our honesty, non-judgement, integrity and moral values. Are we thieves? Hell NO! Never have been, never will be. Our information comes verified by a few different sources before we put it to print. Who can believe someone who goes shooting off their mouth about something? With some lame brained, limp wrist excuse such as...oh you gotta believe me...I'm honest..bleh, bleh. Sounds like a scam to me. But then again, my mother didnt raise me to take things at face value. Maybe they are correct in their information, but me being me, Im not much of a gambler.

In conclusion, Stephy and I would like to thank all the *good apples* out there. Who've supprted us thru our growing pains as a website. We are sure to experience more than a few in the near future when we add more pages to our website and we count on your continued support and patience...thank you! :) We will definitly make it worth the wait for you all. If your a loyal reader of this Blog and, you undoubtedly know that we have come under fire from a few select individuals who feel the need to rape our sites and go over them with a fine tooth comb. Looking for anything to post elsewhere on the internet. A thief is a thief no matter what part of the world you are from. Sadly enough, I guess some select people didn't retain the manners that their mother taught them, or should have. Why do they continually do this? We have no clue. Usually people of this stature operate out of hatred, anger and for their own selfish reasoning beyond which I can comprehend. For this reason, I'm giving out the thieves ISP names, in hopes of, we'll...for them to see, yes Stephy and I (and my attorney) can clearly see them and who they are. Did we ever thieve from you and repeatedly visit and rape your hard work? No. Did we ever spread lies about you? Nope, Never. Do we have a problem with you? Not in the least bit until the advent of the thieving came about. If the thieves want to contact me personally, they can. I have no problem with that. They know exactly who they are. Why is it so hard to swallow that we are doing our own thing by our own rules? Without further is the names of the ISP providers of the thieves....oops, note to everyone....No, Stephy and I don't look at everyones ISP address, fuck that, we arent into being big brother...pffft! Only those with curious visiting habits, and sometimes visit upwards of 20 times a day combing thru our site. Will this fuel they're fire?(why there is a fire in the 1st place, I haven't a clue...honestly I don't) Who knows. It's just pretty in...go do your own thing and quit worrying about us..sheesh. We don't mind them visiting our site, hell it's a free country, but when you thieve that's just tasteless. Maybe it's because we were previously associated with someone they had a problem with in the past. Again, who knows.

Mister Verizon Internet Services(east coast..yes I could name your state and city, but Im choosing to turn the other cheek and be nice)
Miss Sanford Internet aka coast again...and yes Im choosing to rise above the crap and be nice again..see above)

To our other visitors, Stephy and I do thank you from the bottoms of our hearts for your continued patience, support and understanding. We apologize to you for having to read thru crap like this, but, if someone is dissin' ya out, take the bull by the horns.

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