Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Mickey Is A Hoot!!

I'm in the bathtub last night paging thru some magazines that my mom gave me since I can't afford all those subscriptions and end up thumbing thru People Magazine March 20th, 06 Edition. Im lookin' at all the gowns the chicks wore to the Oscars, who's whispering in who's ear, ya know the usual. I turn the page and bust out laughing!! There is the same ole' picture of Mickey blabbin' with Madonna at the Vanity Fair party, with a caption on the piccy that says....... Fresh from the gym where " I was doing shoulders". Mickey Rourke caught up with Madonna. I was laughing so fuckin' hard I was snorting! Really!!! Why? I'll tell ya why, it's cuz ya read about all these stars, male and female, that go to the spa, get their hair done, nails, have someone wiping their asses, ya know, chrome the turd kinda thang. Then theres Mickey, who juz busts out and says he juz came from the gym. BUHAHAHAHHAA!!!! It just tickled my funny bone something bad. I mean, come on, only Mickey could get away with sayin..hey I just popped in here after workin' out at the gym. Who else could ya picture saying that? Damn, that was funny! To me, it shows he's a real maverick. He dosent seem like one who needs someone holding his hand, pimpin' and primpin' him. Nope, he just busts in with the typical Rourkeian bluntness. Either way it gave me a well needed laff!

Reading further into the whole Vanity Fair gala, it even said what they were chowing down on at the party..... mini- crab cakes ( barf, barf), In-N-Out burgers ( I'm drooling already), three-cheese pizzas ( depends on who made the pizza, hopefully not that CPK shiot ), smoked-salami blinis ( no idea wtf these things are, hey gimme a Guinness already for fucks sake!). I also read that there was 500 fewer people invited this year than in years past, to keep things exclusive. Yep, and Mickey made the cut! woot woot to that! Not surprising really, seems like historically Vanity Fair has always been good to Mickey, unlike other magazines.

We'll thats my lil' bathtub tale ;o) I was having so much fun reading that magazine I forgot to shave my friggin' legs...grrr..oh well, it's cold as a witches tit here, need some extra fuzz to keep me warm.

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