Friday, April 21, 2006

Mickey High And Low

We got the official press release yesterday..but haven't put it up on the skinny yet.. but this was just released from "the gate"... look for a skinny sometime tomorrow....if you copy and paste the link will see the cover.. but Christopher emailed me and said this is not definite cover. Hey folks, you know how that shit goes.. most likely it is the cover... Stephy

Mickey Rourke has had a number of intense highs and depressing lows during his acting career. In the 80s and early 90s he was revered as one of Hollywood's coolest icons, but that only last until his lifestyle and hard drinking caught up with him. Since then he's been fighting to make his way back into the limelight, and he's certainly done very well for himself with recent appearances in films like Sin City or Once Upon a Time in Mexico.

Fans of the actor can now read the whole cautionary tale as told by The GATE's own Christopher Heard who will debut his book Mickey Rourke: High and Low this September 2006 from Plexus Publishing.

As described by the press release, High and Low features, "extensive interviews with Mickey himself, director Francis Ford Coppola and many others." Through these interviews Christopher exposes all of the layers and details that make Mickey the unforgettable star that he is today.

Here are just a few tidbits that you might not know about Mickey:

Sin City took in more than $80 million in the U.S. alone, and has helped introduce him to a new generation of cinema goers.

Mickey is set to return as Marv in Sin City 2, which is scheduled for release in 2006.

Mickey originally made a name for himself with the film Nine 1/2 Weeks, opposite Kim Basinger.

Mickey upcoming works include Killshot with Diane Lane, and Stormbreaker with Ewan McGregor.

Mickey's career is enjoying a renaissance as directors like Robert Rodriquez and Quentin Tarantino grew up on Mickey's films and now want to be associated with him, re-establishing his profile as one of the coolest actors around.

You can also read more about Mickey in Christopher's article Mickey Rourke Rising, plus look for Mickey Rourke: High and Low this September in book stores.

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