Sunday, April 30, 2006

Mickey On VH-1

There I was crashed out on the couch feelin' kinda punk this afternoon, flippin' thru the channels giving the clicker a heavy workout. I was about to change the channel to more mindles drivvle ( go figure a zillion channels and ya cant find one damn thing worth watching on television most days ) and I hear....up next, Mickey Rourke shows some crack. WTF, now my interest was peaked! Then they cut to commercial. Sheesh! I looked at the on screen menu thangy and I was on VH-1, a program called WebJunk-20, volume 4 - greatest hits.

After impatiently waiting for the program to continue, YAY! It finally came back on. Whats that old saying...hindsight is 20/20? Well I really wish I hadnt even heard the announcement after I saw what this show had to * report* about Mickey....they showed shots of him strollin' around the east village in NY with his faithful companion Loki...then they showed a shot of him facing away from the camera and theres his butt crack in plain view. Ding Ding...I mustve really been out there in TV wasteland to have found this wretched thang! Tehn of course they have those stoopid lookin' bubble things next to his head, like cartoon bubble speak things, with equally redundent blubs in them that Im sure some overpaid, untalented writer thought was witty. They went on to say something about Mickey forgetting his underwear, then more word vomit, until thankfully Mickeys lil' segment ( if ya wanna call it that ) was over.

Watching that, I thought to mean! What, just cuz Mickey goes commando, they gotta go and skewer him for it? Walking around in your daily travels, how many butt cracks do you see? PLENTY! Especially in the summer time when chicks got that muffin look happenin...oh ish! Are they showed to the world? No. Just cuz Mickey is a celebrity, they have to go and show that crap. Does Mickey being a celeb entitle them to do that? Well to me thats a moral issue. A manners issue as well. I suppose in this weird culture that we have, you could argue it either way. To me its pretty pathetic and sad really. Me? Ill be skipping that VH-1 program in the future.....Ya may ask, why did you write about it then? Lets see...some people may get off on seeing Mickeys crack....LOL...naw, really though, its what was on my mind good or bad...and by what was on my mind, I dont mean Mickeys crack...dayum peeps get that mind outta the gutter! I wrote about it cuz it ticked me off that peeps in general, not juz Mickey get picked on like that.

One good thing did come of all this though. I did meander over to a site called
ifilm, check it out here in the search box, type in Mickeys name, and you can see some interesting snippets such as....The Power Of The Pu*sy speech from Spun, A scene from the ground breaking film 9 1/2 Weeks, interviews with cast members from Sin City, the list goes on and on. Some of you may have seen whats on there already, some not. Either way, Mickey is always a treat on screen.

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