Saturday, June 03, 2006

new Mickey Rourke Interview

Hey kids, there is a new Interview with Mickey in the June/July issue of MEAN Magazine. Mickey even made the cover, woot woot to that! Too lazy to snail trail it to Barnes And Noble, Borders, or any of the other places they sell it? Tried scrounging around in the couch cushions and couldn't come up with the $5.95 US Dollars for the magazine cuz ya already used the couch coin for beer money last night? We'll then you my friend, are in luck. I just typed out the interview and posted it on Stephy and I's website. The interview is titled * Motorcycle Boy Lives*, get to clickin' over to so you too can be in the know. Although you should really lay down the scratch for the magazine cuz there are some smokin' piccys of Mickey included, not to mention the cover too. Mickey is opinionated, hilarious and contemplative as always. A definite must read. If ya wanna meander over to the magazines website to get an eyeful of the piccys of Mickey, ya can check it here : note...flash player is required ;o)

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