Monday, August 07, 2006

Mickey Speaks

Now we all know that Mickey says whats on his mind. He's free-spirited and uninhibited in that aspect. That's part of the reason why so many people really dig him, least that's what his fans tell me in their emails. But then you get those who get all bent because he does say whats on his mind, yet they like his acting. I've stopped trying to figure out people a long time ago. LOL!

I've gotten alot of email, good and bad, about this quote from Mickey in the recent issue of OK Magazine, dated August 14th. I'm gonna share the quote, and if ya don't like it, we'll thats really your problem, not his, mine or anyone elses for that matter. drum roll please....
" I've never seen a play yet that can compete with a beautiful woman standing on a table in front of you. Don't tell me you'd rather hear an actor give a monologue than see a naked woman dance. Because I sure as hell wouldn't."

From a fella's point of view, I can see that..haha!! But reverse it from a chicks point of view, add a hot dude, and there ya go. Ever see those chicks go insane at the chip and dales male dancers shindings? But then again, you have those high and mighty folks who feed on self-imposed labels and call themselves intellectuals, that poo-poo thoughts of basic human instincts, and say...why no, I would much rather sit and listen to some monologue than feast on visual exctasy. Pffft, puritanical thinking aint my style, so Im not even going to try and fake it. Youd all be callin' my sorry azz out if I even tried...LOL!!

....hmmm, maybe you could find middle ground on that about this....a hot dude or chick, naked ( dont send me hate mail, Mickey said it, not me!) as he said, doing monologue? That would please all parties on either side of the fence. LOL...Stephy dosent call me the diplomat for nuthan' ;o) That way the so called intellectuals could hide under the umbrella of..oh, but he/she was doing such a fine monologue, and that dance just emphasized her/his point in such an artistic way I didn't even notice it was without clothing! No clothes you say?( gasp ) The peeps on the other side of the fence could just be themselves and enjoy what it is.

Either way Mickey often says whats on most peoples minds, but they are just too chicken shiot to say. Mickey isnt chicken to say it, then again, Ive yet to see a person go up to him and belittle him for something he has said or done. Now that my friends, Id pay to see. Is it the smartest thing to do? Maybe, maybe not, but at least he's honest and forthright about it. For that, you gotta give him credit, least he isnt the type of person to go around blowin smoke up your pooper.

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