Saturday, September 16, 2006

Mickeys Birthday

Yep, its that time again...time for the yearly birthday Blog :)

I'll do Mickeys 1st, since I missed mine on Monday the 11th(who really wants to celebrate that day anyway?) I'll do mine after his, since Im so nice..hahaha!!

Get comfy my pretty pets..its history lesson time....
This day in History - September 16th-

  • (1620) The 101 Pilgram Fathers set sail to America from Plymouth, England in their ship "The Mayflower" captained by Myles Standish
  • (1782) great Seal Of U.S. used for the 1st time
  • (1858) 1st overland mail in California
  • (1890) Newswriter George Whitney Calhoun names Green Bay team Packers (football for those of ya who don't know my beloved Green Bay Packers..woo-hoo!!)
  • (1908) William Crapo Durant incorporates General Motors in Janesville, Wi - same day also founded General Motor Corporation
  • (1920) Bomb explosion in Wall Street kills 30
  • (1926) St. Louis Cardinals beat Phillies 23-3
  • (1939) New York Yankees clinch their 11th and 4th successive pennant
  • (1940) Franklin D. Roosevelt signs Selective Training and Service Act (1st peacetime draft)
  • (1947) John Cobb sets world auto speed record 394.2 mph
  • (1955) Yankee Mickey Mantle pulls a hamstring muscle running out a bunt
  • (1956) Play-Doh is introduced to the world
  • (1957) LA City Council approves 300 acre site in Chavez Ravine for Dodgers
  • (1963) "Outer Limits" premieres on ABC-TV
  • (1968) Richard Nixon appears on "Laugh-In"
  • (1974) Bob Dylan records Blood on the Tracks
  • (1977) Ringo releases "Drowning in Sea of Love"
  • (1978) Yanks beat Red Socks for 6th time in 2 weeks, 3-2
  • (1981) The boxing worlds Welterweight titles are unified when Sugar Ray Leonard defeats Thomas Hearns in the 14th round by knockout
  • (1983) Arnold Schwarzenegger becomes a U.S. citizen
  • (1984) Miami-Vice premieres
  • (1988) Jury awards Valerie Harper $1.6M in dispute over T.V. series
  • (1990) 101 yr old Sam Ackerman weds 95 yr old Eva in New Rochelle, NY
  • (1993) Minn Twins David Winfield is 19th to get 3,000 hits
  • (1996) Howard Stern radio show premieres in Panama City, Fl on WTBB 97.7FM

Ok, I see you squirming in your seats.....lets see who else shares a birthday with Mickey...

  • Jennifer Tilly (actress)
  • Robin Yount (baseball player)
  • Alexis Bledel (actress)
  • B.B. King (Blues God!)
  • Lauren Bacall (actress)
  • James C. Penny (american dept. store founder)
  • Marc Anthony (singer)
  • David Copperfield (magician)
  • Peter Falk (actor)

Some other famous Virgoeans.....

  • Sean Connery (Aug 25th)
  • Mother Theresa (Aug 27th)
  • Buddy Hackett (Aug 31st)
  • William Rice (Sept. 1st)
  • Terry Bradshaw (Sept.2nd)
  • Paul Harvey (Sept.4th)
  • Buddy Holly (Sept. 7th)
  • Otis Redding (Sept. 9th)
  • Kristy McNichol (Sept. 11th)
  • Jacqueline Bissett (Sept. 13th)
  • Greta Garbo (Sept. 18th)
  • Sophia Loren (Sept. 20th)
  • Stephen King (Sept. 21st)
  • Joan Jett (Sept.22nd)

Virgo, the astrological sign associated with The Virgin(umm, lmfao)...Virgos have a ruling planet of Mercury. Virgos are intellectually enquiring, methodical, studious and teachable. They have an excellent eye for detail, and genuinely inventive talents. They are trend setters, modest, yet hard workers. This being, according to some internet astrological websites, if your into that kinda thang.

Ok, now my turn to have fun!! :) Time for my other yearly blog...its my b-day and I can blog about whateva' the hell I want to!

For those of us who have stuck by our trio of sites (uniquelyrourke, uniquelyrourke at Myspace and The Realm) I want to thank you! Youve been witness to many things concerning Mr. Rourkes career, shenanigans and happenings. Youve also been witness to Stephy and I being viciously personally attacked by others who, for unknown reasons to us, choose to try to run us off the internet. For all the emails and telephone calls in support and encouragement to keep on going, thanks!. Aww, we never, ever thought of closing shop.The thought never crossed our minds really. We wont be run off by unethical, under handed, mean spirited, negative minded liars. No way, not now or ever. All Stephy and I ever did was to present Mickey in our own way, I suppose some people think they own Mickey Rourke(how tarded is that thought? hmm...whackooo) and want to be the only website or people running Mickey sites, Blogs or whatnot. Either way, I dont dwell on it, I choose to surround myself with higher energies, not low lying, negative energy drenced places.

FYI: There will be some major changes coming your way soon. I'm not letting the proverbial cat outta the bag, but keep those peepers peeled!

A positive note is this...Im back!! Yes, I havent been blogging much latley. Projects and construction have kept me busy.

One recent project was the revamping of Mickeys good friend John Enos III Official Myspace page. John Enos ring a bell? He co-starred with Mickey in Bullet(Lester The Molestor) F.T.W., and played Bobby on The Young And The Restless, did a hilarious episode of Sex And The City. John and his lovely wife Jennie were most generous in sharing with uniquelyrourke a few pictures of Mickey and Jennie at her B-day party awhile back. Working in tandem with John and Jennie was a real treat for me. They are some of the nicest, kindest, most genuine, down to earth people I have had the joy of blabbin' with and working with. John is a versitile actor with a long list of eye popping credentials under his belt. It's not often that Im impressed by people....after youve partied with the boys and girls of rock and roll, met the 1st Lady, The Dahli Lama and kicked it with the secret service, you could say that nothing much fazes me or makes a lasting impression. But these 2 people really did. No Im not blowing smoke up your ass, or theirs..just being bluntly honest, one of my trademarks, good or bad.

Ok so wtf I want to Blog about as my B-day Blog? Well, many things..the one that sticks out in my mind would be, Mickey in general. Mickey is Mickey, take him how he is or leave him, bottom line. To compound upon that, in my web travels, the resounding theme Ive read is this....women seem to think that they can *save* him. Save him from what I must wonder...himself? (scratches head and dosent quite understand that train of thought).Whats so bad about Mickey that women in particular would want to change? Hell, he caught your eye in the 1st place being himself... so whats the problem ladies? His manner of dress if also discussed in the same yawn fest convo's Ive read...hmm, I dont see anything wrong with it, in fact, I think hes a pretty snazzy dresser myself. But maybe these same chicks think going to the local Walmart is the ephiphanny of fashion...LOL!! yeah, ya wouldnt believe the weird stuff that people talk about in regards to Mickey...its pretty sad.

Another web travel convo caught my eye as well... men discussing Mickey. Ok, understandable, yet kinda funny. Most fellas want to be Mickey, or (gulp) with him..buhahahha...there was a recent skirmish on a to be un-named site about Mickeys recent thang of carrying, what was referred to as a man purse. purse..hmmm, is that like man panties? Or like having a mangina?

I saw the picture they were hotly debating, and it looked like a tote bag to me. Ya know, something to carry your crap around, not any man purse that I could see. Maybe somebody needs to get their vision prescription updated? HaHa!! Although I do seem to remember viewing some footage from awhile ago when Mickey was carrying a man purse. Hmm, well, if he was, ya know it was no Walmart freakin' man purse! least he did it with style and flair :)

Which comes to my next observation on this same site. Is Mickey swingin' from the other side of the rope? Now ya know I had a huge laugh when I read that...almost spit out my Guinness to be more precise! Who cares if he was...but no people, Id have to say a big N-O on that one!! Sure Mickey marches to the beat of a different drummer, but that does not, automatically mean he is goin' in the out door! Damn peeps, are ya that bored you have to discuss this? Carrying a man purse back in the day does not automatically mean hes ridin' dirty...sheesh!!!

I think thats it for now my pets.

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