Thursday, October 13, 2005

Cadillac Boxing & Chicks...Conclusion

Well since its raining here in the land of sunshine , hurricanes & Mickey Mouse - I thought I would finish the interview. You may want to start at the post prior to this one - if you haven't read the beginning of the Mickey Rourke Q & A - conducted by Dominic Smith for FHM .

Okay. At the height of your fame did you really have a gold - plated Rolls - Royce?
Yes. Oh come on , when I grew up , Elvis was my man !
How much does a gold plated Rolls - Royce cost?
Too much ! The car was over the top. It wasn't actually gold - plated but it had 14 -carat gold paint and certain parts of it were gold - plated , yes .
Did you drive to the shops in it ?
I only drove it four or five times , I felt embarrassed to get in it. But I used it a lot in Miami. It worked well there with white tyres and my Cuban driver in a fedora , ha ha . The rappers used to grab their crotches and fall over when I drove past.

When your acting career went tits up you returned to your earlier vocation , boxing . How good were you?
I don't know because I came back when I was 34 . I was very good at 18 but coming back at 34 , I was good but I wasn't great. I was a good club fighter but I wasn't a Top 10 fighter.
A lot of guys that make boxing movies - Will Smith , Russell Crowe - have trainers saying how they could have made it as boxers...
No fucking way , Jack . No fucking way.
Because Will Smith...
Read my lips : No . Fucking . Way . Get in the ring with me for one fucking round and we'll see. We'll see what you're made of.
Will Smith told us he could last a round with Lennox Lewis..
No fucking way. Lennox Lewis is a friend of mine , he couldn't last a round with Lennox.
Could you have?
I don't know. I was a different weight class. I've lasted a lot of rounds with middleweights , but ( boxing legend ) Tommy Hearns gave me a fucking concussion ; he hit me at two o' clock in the afternoon and I was throwing up at midnight . I was Roberto Duran's sparring partner for a year and I learnt a lot so when actors say they could be professional fighters they're full of crap. With a captial K.

Didn't you use to know the mob boss John Gotti?
No comment.
Nothing at....
No comment. Let's stay away from that one.

Okay. During your stay in London you were pictured with a different girl everynight. What's your secret?
I don't have a secret.
So how are you so successful?
I'm not. Not in my book. I understand what you're trying to say but I'm not. If I had my pick I'd be with one lady.
Would that be your ex - wife? ( His Wild Orchid co - star Carre Otis who Rourke married in 1992 )
Yeah, sure. So , you know ... we do crazy things to numb the pain. Does that answer your question ? Why do you think I have seven dogs ? Because I can't sleep in my bed without them. Because the bed's too big.

The FHM office was in awe of you pulling a girl in front of her boyfriend. How'd you manage that ?
I can't go into that, that's too personal. But I've got to give you points for your questions.
So how did you do it ? She was with her boyfriend !
Off the record ?
No , it has to be on the record...
You cunt! Ha ha . I asked her , " Do you want to go with him ? " and she said no , so I said fine . He was screaming and I said " She doesn't want to go with you "
And then she went back to your hotel ?
I have no idea. ( laughs uproariously ) . But we're friends now , me and Andre ( the girl's boyfriend ) . We're friends , he came to the hotel the next morning , we had coffee together.
When you'd just been with his girl ?
Yeah, but now he realises she's not that great a girlfriend . But me and Andre are friends.
But what's happened to her ?
I have no idea. That's his problem.
Why wasn't Andre angry with you ?
Because I talked to him , I had a cappuccino with him.
And what did you say to him ?
The truth.
Which was what ?
Ha ha , that I can't get into. But that's it , that's the story .

You take your dog Loki everywhere - but why do you keep chihuahuas ?
I got attached to them. My ex - wife brought one home one time and I was like " What the fuck is that ? " But then I fell in love with the dog , and that was Loki's mother . Small dogs have a lot of spirit and they live longer - 16 , 17 years old. Loki's 11 and I've told her I need her around another 11 years.
Do you get upset when they die ?
Oh yes . It's just as bad as it is with a human . Oh yes.
Have you ever sat on one ?
No. I've never sat on one.

Is it true you have an IRA tatto ?
No. People write shit .
You once talked about an A - List " fucking cunt " that stopped you getting a role , cos they felt you were a has - been - who was it ?
I don't know . That must have been old angry Mickey spouting off.
There are also stories that you've had plastic surgey that's gone wrong....
No , it was just five nose operations for boxing. It was scar tissue that had to be scraped away , and then I broke it so they had to re - break it with a hammer and then put it back together . The cartilage was gone so they had to take it from my ear .

Finally, you've been right to the top , sunk to the bottom , and now you're heading back to the top again. What's the one lesson you've learned ?
That's a good question. ( Long pause ) At the end of the day there's only one person responsible for where you're at and that's you . You can't point your finger at anybody else . You're responsible for what's happening to you - and that's it . And you gotta have the balls and be man enough to realise that..

The End...


Heather Leather said...

WOW, what a kickin' interview! Thanx for sharin' it wif' everyone :) You rock chick.
Now I know that BED story has gotta be better than my Ellen story.lmfao...raining in the sunshine state? Hmmm, do I take 38 degrees or rain and warmth for a weekend? Ill take the warmth, the delicious food and South Beach! Have Lefsa will travel LOL..Seriously though, that interview is kickin' and thanx again for sharin' it! :) When peeps just let Mickey be Mickey and talk he is one hell of an entertaining dude. NLL

Anonymous said...

The mickster is so cool. I love him. He is so hot in Domino.

Sista Stephy said...

anonymous - Hmmm, Mickster. That is a very interesting variation of Mickey's name - it gives me bad flashbacks of Wayne's World . You can say anything want on here but the Mickster don't fly in this neck of the woods. Unless , you know something I don't know - and he enjoys being called the Mickster. If that's case have at it. As for Mickey being hot and your in love with him - whatever floats you boat or makes you all warm & fuzzy - don't let me stop you....