Friday, October 14, 2005

Mickey Rourke Has Left The Building Or Maybe He Was Never In The Building..

Okay...Chill on the emails...I don't know why Hillary Rodham Clinton was on Ellen instead of Mickey . It's not like I can call one of them on the phone to ask - I don't stinkin know Ellen or Mickey . Hmmm , as I recall - I did shake Hillary's hand & Bill's hand at a rally - when he was running for Prez the first time around. You think maybe she would give me a heads up on the mystery . There are many possibilities , a couple off the cuff : Mickey cancelled for whatever reason or Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton - the former First Lady of The United States of America - showed up at the studio and said " Hey you know who I am. I wanna be on the show . Tell Mickey Rourke to take his ass home " . LMAO ! And we all know in the real world she carries more clout then Mickey Rourke ( Hard to believe but true ) therefore, he got bumped . Can you imagine Ellen's dilemma if the latter were true : " Whoa is me , I have to make a decision - Hillary Clinton or Mickey Rourke - OMG ! Who's gonna be on my show and help me find my smiley potato chip " . ( LOL ) Ya'll know I am just teasing. I haven't a clue what happened..

I don't know for some reason Mickey on Ellen was just too surreal for me. Now I don't want any Ellen fans jumping my ass - I am sure she is a very nice person & talented to's just not my thing.. Anywho , it's not the end of the world folks. Although , I understand Mickey Rourke gracing us with his presence on the boob tube is a big deal - sooo, I checked out her website this morning and his name was listed - however - I tuned into the show at 4pm - it was confirmed no Mickey Rourke. WTF can ya do ? Duh - Go see Domino ! Ha ha !

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