Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Cold, Chuck Zito and Bein' Tacky

Now Im almost done wif my other Blog I blabbed bout a few days ago, but was re-reading Stephys post bout the whole Hells Angels thang and Mickey buyin' a sweatshirt cuz as he says " I can take the heat, but hate the cold." Now when I read that lil thang I had a good ole fashioned bust a gut fest cuz my azz is from the frozen tundra....HAHA...I thought, hmm, well maybe Mickey should hook up wif some Carhart duds. My azz lives in Carhart, Columbia, Woolrich, and North Face among other things in the winter along with bout 3 pairs of long undies and flannel everything. Sure I look like a dude from November till April, but oh well, I dun give a shiot, Im warm and thats all that matters...lmfao....on top of that, ya gotta own an electric blanket, or at least a big dog to keep ya warm at night. My big dog Max tries his best to snuggle in bed, but ya know those rancid air biscuits he drops to add some sorta ambience or sumthan, he can juz keep to his self. The lil' ones keep my feet warm, so maybe Mickey should get his whole herd of dogs up there with him, then he wouldnt be cold...rotflmfao...wait Im talkin bout Mickey here, so ya know he can find different, more creative ways to keep warm at night.rotflmfao....No I aint dissin' on Mickey for hatin' the cold, juz sumthan bout that particular thang he said tickled my funny bone.

Oh, of course Stephy and I were listening to Chuck Zito's radio show today..woot woot...Chuck is too dayum funny!! Juz dont drink any shakes he gives ya...lmfao...anyway, it seems Chuck has a new tv reality show thangy in the works called Rods, Bods and Bikes. He said its going to prolly be on Spike TV and there will be fighting, cars, bikes, weight lifting...a mans man kinda show. Well, shiot, if Chuck is on it, Ill watch it, does that make me a mans man too? lol....anyway, it will feature in the backround Chucks many toys...aka his vehicles and bikes, along with Mickey Rourkes bike Black Death from the movie Harley Davidson and The Marlboro Man. He said its going to be a garage type of setting...should prove to be very interesting...how can Chuck Zito not be interesting really? Chuck has many toys, among them a 57 Chevy thats being redone so that he can drive it anywhere, even California. Hmm, has Chuck seen the gas prices lately? LOL..that sure would be a fun road trip style reality show for Chuck...they could name it Cross Country with Chuck Zito....rotflmfao...prolly would never happen, but ya cant help, or at least I cant help wondering if they did sumthan' like that, how would they pick the contestant? Also, would Chuck even letcha drive that badass car of his? Can ya imagine stuck in a car cross country with someone you dont even know anyway? LMFAO..ok Ill stop now...

A kickin' topic was brought up on Chucks show today. One that Stephy and I have talked about for hours on end. It was....Where do celebs get off charging for their autographs and pictures? Basically Chuck was at some get together where the public was and there were some other celebs there that were charging for their autographs and pictures. Stephy and I are with Chuck on this one, in the fact that, where do they get off doin' that anyway? They make good coin makin' movies and endless promotions, clothing lines, make up, perfume, cologne etc etc. Chuck said he will never, ever charge for a photograph with him or charge someone for his autograph. Hes juz happy that they recognize him and come up and ask. Hes happy to do it and says charging for them is tacky. Woot woot to Chuck. Then he had skads of callers agreeing with him. One gentleman brought up a important fact that, thankfully Mickey hasnt forgotten, this man said....Where would they be without the public goin' to see their movies and buyin' their stuff anyway? Stephy and I were practically whoopin' it up, cuz we didnt realize that so many peeps had our same outlook on the subject. Yuh we realize they gotta eat, pay the bills and uncle sam too, but charging for an autograph or a picture taken with a fan, tacky as Chuck would say.


Anonymous said...

This site is LAMO!
I can't imagine people sitting in front of a computer all day talking about some old ass actor..

Heather Leather said...

I cant imagine someone sitting in front of a computer all day surfing Blogs that they have no interest in and feelin the need to leave nazzy comments. It takes all kinds to make the world go round. Now I know why animals eat their young.

Anonymous said...

I LMAO reading ur stuff . I need a good chuckle every now and then.

Heather Leather said...

Duncan W Hollywood-aww, thank you! :)
Im glad ya get a good chuckle here...tehehehehehe....Stephy and I try to keep things upbeat and positive. If we can make someone smile or laugh, well then weve done a good thang. Hey I read your comment to BJ on the Giuseppe Q&A, LMFAO, glad Mickey din punch yaz in the face! Adam Sandler? OMG, he makes me rotflmfao...with that in mind, I think Im gonna try and post the Lunch lady song on here, Im in need of a good laff! Hes hilarious, and I have and always will have a special place in my heart for the late, great, misunderstood Chris Farley. Among the celeb peeps, boys of rock n roll, and other peeps( I aint a kiss and tell kinda chick,some shiot I aint at liberty to spew bout...LOL) I got the pleasure of Chris doin' the fat guy in a lil coat for me at a bar one night. Talk bout almost pissin' muhself!! I din even care that he ruined my friends coat and it was 20 below zero outside.

Dont be a stranger! Thanks for stoppin' by. Yep, Im gonna go find that Lunch Lady video code right now....woot woot!