Thursday, November 24, 2005

New Mickey Piccy Of Him In Toronto

Givin' up tryin' to find a kick azz recipe for stuffing for the gobble, gobble, binge and bloat feast tomorrow(why did I have to pick stuffing when mom and my sista' drew cards on who was bringin' what! Ack!) I flipped thru muh email and lo' and behold, Stephy sent me a rockin' email. Well,well, well, guess whos mug was lookin' out from netland when I clicked the attachment? Yuh, ya guessed it!(thanks Stephy...NLL chickie!) The brass tacks of it is, the new Star magazine dated December 5th(it has sumthan' on the front bout one of the Jennifer chicks thats supposedly knocked up or some such shiot on the cover) has a piccy of Mickey out and about in Toronto Canada with his gal pal Loki. Now I know these are the kinda trashy mags ya use for bathroom readin' material, but it is a cool pic of Mickey. Hes sportin' his new do', a very closely cropped, almost looks like a shaven head kinda thang, but still with hair(did that juz make any sorta sense at all? LMAO!) Of course the powers that be over at Star(note, said with extreme sarcasm) deemed Mickey fit to be, once again, splashed on the normal and not normal pages. Guess which catagory he landed in once again? Yep, not normal. Pffft, these peeps look at their own fuckin' self in the mirror lately? ACK, me, myself, wish I could throw a chlorine tablet in their gene pool, but inbreeding must be the norm in their neck of the woods.

They deem him not normal for dressing Loki in a jacket similar to his. Funny how, if a chick celeb type dresses their pooch in similar clothing to wtf they are wearing, they bout' trip over themselves saying what a good pet owner they are, how cute their dog looks and all that shiot. Hmm, double standards anyone? Just another example of how slated these peeps are. I mean WTF! Someone over at that place sure has a hard-on for Mickey in a bad way. Sheesh! Either way, the pic of Mickey is kickin'. Hes strollin' along with Loki tucked under his arm. I did think hmm, well at least they are gettin' closer to his real age though...lmfao...they mark him at 52, which is better than bein' 48 for the past few years.

Thats all for tonight my pets...have a kickin' Thanksgiving.

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