Saturday, November 19, 2005

New Shiot...woot woot!

Yep, Yep...we got some new stuff up at our webby For those of you who are too dayum lazy to click the link to the right, Ill give ya a lil' low down cuz Im feelin' kinda nice tonight, well or this morning......rotflmfao.......we have another new page up,an articles page. There Stephy and I wll be bustin' a hump typing out articles and interviews that we like, to share with yaz. No there is no rhyme or reason to them, juz certain ones either tickle our funny bone(tickle tickle..woot woot..ooops I betta' behave...), make us stop and think or we juz like em' juz cuz we do. Either way I aint no fukin typist, so check it weekly. Stephy is way better wif lettin' her digits fly over the keyboard than my dayum self! Hell, ya prolly couldnt cypher wtf I type most days.

We also have a lil' thang goin' on with Christopher Heard. Who the hell is that ya ask? Well, DUH!! Where have ya been? Pickin' shiot wif the chickens? He's pennin' the upcoming book titled Mickey High And Low. If your ass hasnt caught wind of the book yet, wtf are ya doin' here anyway? LMFAO, Im juz razzin' yaz and feelin a bit saucy tonight, puttin' the lime in the coconut. Anyway, Stephy condensed the questions weve recieved from peeps and asked Mister Heard bout it. Youll have to get off your dead ass and onto your dying feet and click that link to the right cuz Im not re-typing it all. If I attempted to, ya all would be reading typhonese, and no one Ive met yet has been able to decode my brand of typhonese :) Also, theres a new piccy of Mickey floating around out there in webland. He's in Canada and chillin' at a bar or resturant, sportin' a new hairdo. A closely shaved thang.It has to do with his role in Killshot...well thats all I can say without lettin' the dayum cat outta the bag peeps.

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