Thursday, December 01, 2005

Are You Ready For Some Cardio! I Know I Am

This is gonna be a long hard read. So, sit your ass down - make yourself comfortable and enjoy the visual ecstasy . Satisfaction Guaranteed.!!

How lucky can 2 chicks be , as usual Sista and I spent our Tuesday afternoon diggin on Chuck Zito’s radio show The Italian Bad Boy Hour on WVOX . Much to our chagrin, Chuck blasted our names over the air waves “ Heather ( You really didn’t think Twisted Sista was her name lol) - Stephanie give me a call” Apparently he caught wind of our web site and was willing to answer a few questions you guys sent us. We told Chuck that one of the most burning questions on your minds, was how he and Mickey hooked up as friends. According to Chuck-lore , he and Mickey met about 27 years ago - they were both pallbearer’s at actor friend Jimmy Hayden’s funeral. - It was a sad thing - but at least something good came out of it - their friendship. Then Chuck started giving us some Mickey morsel’s to chew on – like he borrowed Mickey’s bike “Black Death” some 7 years ago, and hasn’t gotten around to giving it back to him. Note to self : Never let Chuck borrow any mode of transportation - No, telling when you will get it back. LOL

He also went on to say Mickey is a great guy - he was in the slumps before , got banned from Hollywood - but now he is back on the A list , stealing the show in Sin City and Domino. Chuck proceeded to tell us how Mickey had a lot of hard knocks and that Mickey was a good boxer - he hung in there and he gave him a lot of credit for trying . But there was one thing he made perfectly clear - “Mickey don’t take no crap from anyone.” And to this day they are still good friends -
Anywho, Sista’ was talking to him about how we are planning a trip to New York next spring and one of the places we needed to visit was John and Donna Violentes Deli- they are friends of Chuck’s he claims they have the best sandwiches in town. He is always talking food during his show and pimping out the local eateries - another friend is Tony at The Roaring Roster (home of chicken and ribs). When Sista’ mention she needed to do the chicken and rib thing on our visit. Mr Zito offered to take a bite out of Sista’s ribs - Sista’ exclaimed ; “Wouldn’t be much of a meal for ya Chuck - I don’t have much meat on my bones “ They both laughed. Lack of meat didn’t seem to bother Chuck - he wanted to give her a gnaw anyway. He must not be much of a meat eater. Well maybe he enjoys tackling meat of the female persuasion. After asking to do Sista’s ribs - We mentioned we got an exclusive photo from a certain someone , but we hadn’t heard back from him, therefore we can’t share that certain photo - cuz, our asses don’t have permission to use it. Chuck sounded kinda pissed this person hadn’t got back to us. He asked why - Sista said maybe he is busy.

He went back to talking about Mickey-how he was still in Toronto and Chuck had spoken to him over the weekend. You really didn’t expect Mr Rourke to lay low while filming Killshot- as you know Mickey doesn’t like any idle time. He must stay busy - seems he has made some friends with a few of the local Hell Angels and on his off time - one of the places these boys cool their heels is at
Toronto’s infamous Gentleman Clubs (down where I live - we just call em titty bars) - but I guess when you are Mickey Rourke--- Gentleman Club’s sounds more posh - now that Mickey is back on the A list.

In conclusion, Chuck Zito is one of the coolest old skool dudes - we have met - including Giuesppe Franco - whom Sista kicked it with this past summer- there is one exception to this scenario - Chuck Zito aka The Van Damminator makes us feel all warm & chickie inside. That’s a hard task to accomplish - cause we cold- hearted bitches –with hard edges and it takes a lot to move us chicks in a sappy direction. LMAO !!!! Now we gotta do right by Chuck : Listen to his show on 1460 am or on the puter Twisted Sista / Stephy

WARNING:This diddy is exclusive to both the Realm and uniquely rourke. Don’t go fukin with our shit. Unless you want some big mean angry Tally at your door...Yes, you will be tracked down like a dirty dawg......I got lots of family and you don’t go round disrespecting me or Twisted Sista - Why ? cuz, friends are considered part of the family--- so keep those sticky fingers to yourself.... I’m kidding around - but if you’re a gambling sort of person - you guess which part I am kidding about........hahaha - have fun kiddies...
Sista Stephy

We will be adding new articles to the aptly named article page. LOL! I can’t stop those of you out there from taking these articles, but you know, it would be nice if you asked before taking them -considering there are a few on the page that we have received permission to use them from the journalist who wrote them and we have spent hours typing these mother’s up. When we get our links/source page up- those journalist will be acknowledged.
Don’t you all out there in Rourke Country agree? Of course, I not speaking to the majority of ya - just those who think they take without asking. I hope I’m not overreacting. [ heavy sigh] Nah, trust me - I’m not overreacting nor do I think it will stop individuals from taking our stuff from the site - but I needed to say it - to feel better. So “Thanks for hearing me out :)

Christopher Heard gave me the okay to use a portion of an article he had written about a sex convention he attended in Toronto ,Canada this past October. While at the convention he was talking it up with Ron Jeremy. Hmm, what does this have to do with Mickey Rourke – Well, he happened to stop by to see his friend Ron Jeremy ( you know who he is -right?) therefore, Christopher was able to chat with Mickey a bit. I don’t know the background of the Jeremy–Rourke friendship but what I can do is lay a couple of factoids on ya - Ron Jeremy was a consultant on 91/2 Weeks and he was the bartender in Spun. Not much of a connection...LOL

If you chose to check out the complete article - don’t forget to leave you closed mind behind before you click on the link besides it’s well written and I dig the title - Weird & Wonderful Things At The Everything To Do With Sex Show - also if you get the chance check out Ron Jeremy’s documentary style dvd - Porn Star ....The Legend Of Ron Jeremy . ...Jeremy is an interesting fella and if you like the obscure then give it a shot..what have you got to lose.....Don’t go stressing, there’s no boinking happening on this dvd, although you will see some peculiar expressions on Jeremy’s face while partaking in some job related activities. Cum on- its not G-rated...but it’s not porn.. Sista and I dig Ron Jeremy ...he is one hell of a character and get your mind out of the gutter- we ain’t slapping that stuff around –we don’t judge whether we like people on there career choices, where they live , how much money they have, if you are beautiful , average or beautiously challenged. Either we like you or we don’t like you..its as simple as that and nothing is going to change our minds. Ok Ok, here is the excerpt from the article I mentioned... lol
As I was about to leave Jeremy another familiar face stopped by – Mickey Rourke. There was another round of "hey man" greetings (Rourke is a friend of Ron Jeremy’s and the subject of my next book called Mickey High and Low coming soon from Plexus Books UK). Rourke is in Toronto shooting the film Killshot – the Quentin Tarantino produced adaptation of the Elmore Leonard novel). I asked Rourke about his feelings about porn movies – he replied that he wasn’t much of a fan either – "Watching those things is like watching fucking surgery," said Rourke. Rourke and Jeremy talked about getting together for a drink or lunch or something but Jeremy was still obligated to man his booth for a little while longer – so Rourke decided to stroll around and take in the sights. He poses for pictures when people asked him and signed a couple of autographs when asked – but he was just there as a spectator like everyone else.

Phew!! I’m not finished with ya’ll yet - I got more to tell ya and don’t worry my ass won’t do any ramblin - I am getting to it. Hold up - before I get to it – HA! HA! fooled ya - Suckers’ LOL - you know I am just giving ya the business. Straight up - I need to do some pimping out . Michael at moviesonline was cool enough to give me permission to use some info from his site. Go check out the site - it has anything and everything you want to know about movies. It’s well worth a click oops I nearly forgot - I know I’m doing it again - ramblin but this is important shit - If you got to the site they also have exclusive collectors DVD clips of Sin City - just type in Sin City in the search box and you can’t miss it. Okay, now for the latest details about 2 new dvds that will be released - on December 13th - Sin City Collectors Edition (Buena Vista) and on February 14th - Domino ( New Line).
Sin City Collectors Edition - Posted by Michael
Original Feature Film Presentation
Feature Commentary with Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller
Feature Commentary with Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino
Feature Commentary of Austin Premiere Audience Reaction
Behind-the-Scenes Feauturettes
A Hard Top With A Decent Engine : The Cars Of Sin City
Making the Monsters: Special Effects & Make-Up
Trench Coats and Fishnets: The Costumes of Sin City
Booze, Broads& Guns: The Props of Sin City
How It Went Down: Convincing Frank Miller to Make The Film
Special Guest Director: Quentin Tarantino
Sin-Chroni-City Interactive: As the view watches Sin City, it becomes apparent that the characters and their stories are not isolated, but intertwined. It is also revealed that the timelines for these stories are not in synch—and yet not entirely independent. This interactive feature allows the user to get a timeline view of the happenings of Sin City. The user can see the overview schematic of the scenes in chronological order and then zoom in for more detail on any events.
Teaser and Theatrical Trailer

Robert Rodriguez DVD introduction
Sin City Recut-Extended-Unrated Feature Film Presentation ( with 23 added minutes). Full-length expanded cuts of each individual episode (“Customer Is Always Right,” “The Hard Goodbye,” The Big Fat Kill,” and “That Yellow Bastard”) split out into short films-each with their own title cards and in their own complete form; viewers can watch separately and in any order desired.
15 Minute Film School –See how everything was done, including the development of the look of the movie before there was financing, plus early screen tests, rehearsal tapes, final effects. Narrated and cut by Robert Rodriguez.
All Green Version– A high speed look at the entire movie with only its green screen elements.
The Long Take– A full uninterrupted 17 minute take during the filming of Quentin Tarantino’s segment. See what it is like to sit in the middle of a whirlwind of creativity while the camera is rolling. It’s an up-close and personal view of the directors and the stars as they do their creative thing.
Sin City: Live In Concert —The Sin City filmmakers. Cast and crew heard over to Antone’s restaurant one night after shooting “That Yellow Bastard”. Bruce Willis band and Robert Rodriguez’s band Chingon play a benefit show.
10 Minute Cooking School: Sin City Breakfast Taco’s — Discover Robert Rodriguez’s meal of choice during the long night hours of making Sin City. This featurette shows how to make Rodriguez’s grandma’s secret homemade flour tortilla recipe as well.
Frank Millers Sin City stars Bruce Willis (“Hostage”) as Hartigan, a cop with a bum ticker and a vow to protect exotic dancer Nancy ( Jessica Alba, TV’s Dark Angel ). Mickey Rourke ( “ Man On Fire” “Domino”) stars as Marv, the outcast misanthrope on a mission to avenge the death of his one true love, Goldie (Jamie King, “White Chicks”). Clive Owen(“Closer”) stars as Dwight, the clandestine love of Shelly ( Brittany Murphy, “Little Black Book,” “8 Mile”), whos spends his night defending Gail ( Rosario Dawson, “Alexander”)and her Old Towne Girls( Devon Aoki, “2 Fast 2 Furious”)and Alexis Bledel ( TV’s “ Gilmore Girls”) from Jackie ( Benicio Del Toro, “21 Grams”),
a tough guy with a penchant for violence. Elijah Wood (“Lord of the Rings” series ), Nick Stahl (“Terminator 3 : Rise of the Machine), Michael Madsen(“Kill Bill Vol. 2"), Carla Gugino(TV’s, Karen Sisco”), Powers Booth (“Deadwood”), Rutger Hauer (“Batman Returns”), Josh Harnett(“Pearl Harbor”) and Michael Clark Duncan(“DareDevil”) are also a part of the ensemble cast. Based on the graphic novels by Frank Miller. Directed by Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez (“From Dusk Till Dawn, “Spy Kids”)

Here are the details for Domino
Technical Details
Available in separate Wide screen and Full Screen editions
Dolby Digital 5.1 - EX and Stereo Surround Sound 2.0
English DTS-ES 6.1
English & Spanish
Bonus Material

Commentary with director Tony Scott and writer Richard Kelly
Commentary with script notes and story development from director Tony Scott , executive producer Zach Schiff-Abrams, writer Richard Kelly and actor Tom Waits
Deleted and alternate scenes with optional commentary by director Tony Scott
“I “ am a Bounty Hunter featurette : A look at the life of Domino Harvey with optional commentary from writer Richard Kelly and Domino Harvey
“Bounty Hunting on Acid: Evolution of a Visual Style”featurette: A Look at Tony Scott’s visual style starting with his award-winning Marlboro ads through the gritty styling of Domino
Theatrical Trailer
Teaser Trailer

Signing off from the trailer park — Ciao


Anonymous said...


Heather Leather said...

Thanks! :) We are juz doin' whut we do, the way we want to and we appreciate the enthusiastic comment.