Saturday, January 21, 2006

It's come to my attention

Here I get an email from one of our many website visitors letting me know that someone out there in webland(you know exactly who you are) is snatching stuff off of Uniquelyrourke and this Blog and using it on their own, verbage, news, anything and everything you can think of. We'll how sad that this person can't be creative in their own right...This one website visitor of mine (, I cant say thanks enough) has some sort of capture program and captured, saved and emailed me everything.(I'm not into picture related stuff so I have no friggin idea how that all works) Sad and pathetic...... I know of this person, but dont know this person persay....But yet, this person feels the need and right to rape my f-ing stuff. Interesting.....thats ok, all the appropriate people have been contacted and the type of peeps this person is attempting to implicate/associate sumthan bout...well lets juz say they are none too happy.

Ya know I dont mind sharing info and all that with the world, heck its a free country...but when you are too dayum lazy and juz basically copy and paste shiot and call it your own...bad taste. Sheesh! Now I know why animals eat their young.So....yes I have all the appropriate information on this person, log times, ISP addy, visit length and everything...bad move sticky fingers, very bad move.

On a good note......yes there is this person hasnt got me down, I feel just pity, plain pity for this person who can't do their own thang. Oops back to the good note........Seems Mickey was spotted in Miami, so I guess he cruised back there after the whole Missouri filming thang.....Stephy has more on this, Im sure she will be posting a lil sumthan a bit later on it.

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