Thursday, January 26, 2006

New Pics

Woot Woot -- For you Mickey Watchers out there -- he's still in Miami --
I know how you all love new pics... so here they are - go to - go to editorial - type in Mickey's name in the box- Duh!!
Have fun my pretty pets!!!!

PSSS... We wanted to let ya know...before you start tapping our asses with emails.. yes, that is a tattoo you see on Mickey's right fuck you/fuck off finger(middle) depending on the mood... We aren't quite sure what it says.. but we think it might say JOE. As you well know ..Mickey is the type of guy who gets a tattoo when someone close passes..(I know my brother did - when our brother passed a few yrs ago) No,I'm not saying my bro is like Mickey - I am just making an observation..its like a guy thing.. you all should know who Joe is.. If you don't .. we just wanna say - outta respect we don't touch the waters of Mickey's brotherly love.... There is a 99.9% chance that Sista maybe wrong - so don't hold it against her. Yeah, my ass is passing the buck....LMAO!!! I don't need Mickey kickin my short stumpy ass...not that I am afraid of him - it's just that Sista has a few inches over me .. so I'll let her have the honor of doing that dance with Mickey..LOL

Ciao - from "the hood" and "the trashy trailer park"

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