Sunday, February 05, 2006

Here We Go Again

Ya know, I am a very easy to get along with and work with person. Scads of peeps can attest to that. However, when someone is outright thieving from me, I dont take kindly to it. Yes, Ive been quiet for a bit, I took a lil' journey to a long time family friends place in chi-town the past couple of days. Why chi-town you ask? I was on a quest for knowledge. Hmm, Sista' goin' on a info quest? You bet you ass I did! And what info I gained, well I gained more but I wont bore ya all with the gory details. Besides that, the phone has been glued to my ear all day, contacting all the appropriate people.( who were pretty surprised to hear of another person attempting the same thing as sticky fingers...perhaps sticky fingers and habitual offender work in tandem). Another bad move habitual offender #2, you have no clue who is onto you, and now watching you dig your own grave.

My journey goes a lil' sumthan like this.....ya remember my post about sticky fingers? Seems theres another one runnin rampant right here in our very midst! yep, I would outright name this person, but Id rather give them one last chance. Another chance? Yes, I am a forgiving person and believe in giving peeps another chance even though I shouldnt sometimes.

After the long boring ass drive to chi-town, having to navigate chi-towns monsterous and confusing buildings, found me in the office of the attorney whom specializes in, among other things, a relativly new field. Internet Copyright Laws. When I advised him of Stephy and I's situation, provided him with long precise log records, visit lengths, times, basically pages and pages of evidence of habitual offender #2's visits/thievery to/from our site ( this also includes our sista' site ), he had to confer with a few of his partners and or associates. The next day ( after a wild night on the town..woohoo ) found me once again in his office. After what he told me and presented me with, I hired him on the spot ( not a hard choice seeing as how his and our family go way back. Pfft, ya need sumthan done, go to the best is my motto )...

As per Internet Copyright Law ( which everything written on this site is under copyright, as is, and if you took the time to read my intro/description here, its clearly posted ) nothing can be taken nor re-distributed without the authors permission, as per the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998. Yes, this copyright law holds true internationally, not only for the U.S. Works put on the internet are in fact considered published and you need express permission from said site owner to publish any and all materials written herein.

What can I do? We'll according to my attorney, I can sue in civil court if I was thus inclined. Also, to protect Stephy and I's rights, I can write to habitual offenders internet service provider and provide them with my lengthy detailed records. What happens from there you ask? Well, in regards to that part, I will leave you guessing. Nope, it isnt as simple, painless and cost effective as your ISP dropping you either. My attorney now is in possesion of the mountains of evidence I brought with me. And the growing pile I have here on my desk.

It really saddened me to go to such great lengths to enforce our copyright. But copyright infiringement is considered a very serious crime in todays world of everything web. My attorney advised me to post this, as a last chance legal notice, since I wasnt interested in pressing charges at this moment in time. I am just interested in getting habitual offender #2 to stop. Weirdly enough, habitual offender #2 and Stephy used to be tight. Now, habitual offender #2 goes over both this site and with a fine tooth comb, spending anywhere from 4 hours 29 minutes and 15 seconds to 15 hours 31 minutes and 1 second on our site. Weird, when does habitual offender #2 sleep, or have a life? Some peeps are possessed I guess.Maybe Darwins Theroy will prove itself true once again.

Stephy goes to thru a huge amount of time, energy and know-how to bring you up to date, up to the minute news and such for you Rourke Watchers out there. Hey, it turns her crank, plus with her many years in the business of entertainment and beyond, she has well established herself as a you can trust her with your life kinda chick. She has many * sexy shadows* that span the globe. (sexy shadow is code word for sources...lmfao...sources is such a over-used word...bleh). When she brings you the news, it is after lengthy telephone conversations, hours of emailing back and fourth etc etc. Many of her * sexy shadows* prefer to remain anonymous, because they could literally lose their jobs, or others just prefer her unique code names...rotflmfao...(hey I cant blame them in this crazy world) you get the drift. Plus its just bad taste to go throwin' peoples names out there that want to stay in the background.

As for me, I do what I do, nothing more nothing less. If I happen across something I throw it at Stephy so she can go thru her verification process, her *sexy shadows* and beyond. I have been very fortunate with peoples generosity with their time, energy, telephone time, and physical time spent with people who are close to the man everyone wants to know more about.

There you have it, my visit to chi-town. All in all it was a productive, very enjoyable visit. I learned alot and it opened my eyes to and ears to many, many things regarding Internet Copyright Law and various other issues surrounding the internet. Moral of the story, if you see something you want to re-post on your own website, message board, group thang, Blog, wether it be something someone wrote, a picture someone took the time to create, a poem, an article, just ask for permission first. It will prove to be less costly to you yourself at the end of the day.
I must say, since Stephy and I are into givin' credit where credit is due.....we'd like to personally thank our skads of website visitors, both Uniquelyrourke and this Blog, for taking the time to bring this issue to our attention. Obviously we keep to ourselves and would have never known this was happening until you let us know. It enabled us to gather what we needed and research our options. We cant thank you enough. We will repay you for your kindness, somehow, someway. ( I have a sneaky suspicion you should check your inbox really quick. Stephy has sent all of you that emailed us pertaining to this issue a confidential email, containing a tidit as she calls it, you will find NO where else at the moment. But Im sure the huge news will break one day. What day? I'm not lettin' the proverbial cat outta the bag! Thats our way of repaying you for your heads up). Beat cheeks to those inboxes peeps, youll get an eyefull :)

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