Thursday, February 16, 2006

Some Of You Need To Let It Go!!!

Whine! Whine! Whine! (lol) What's up with all this bullshit moaning and groaning going on about Mickey - not being recognized for his role - as Marv in Sin some ass-hole performers , critics and whatever the fuk else kinda folks that comprise these "who gives a shit" award committee's ...Think about it - Most likely -a few of the same dipshits doing the nominating passed Mickey over years ago - did you really expect a turnaround in attitude so quickly...Damn, if this award stuff is important -he didn't go winless this year - he won a couple of fan awards and was praised by critics who choose to think outside the box. As far as I am concerned - Mickey didn't do to bad last year - And things are only gonna get better this year.

According to Mickey - he's been on the bench for years. He's happy to be back -getting movie offers and making some cash. I haven't heard Rourke pissing like a bitch - complaining -- Pooor Meee ...I didn't get any nominations - Here is my question - Why are some fans having a difficult time letting this nonsense about him not being nominated for an Oscar go! I wasn't upset about this oversight - cuz, I knew he wasn't going to get one and since my brother & Dad - left this plane of life....For me its kinda silly to get all pissed off over -- something so trivial and something I have no control over. Besides, do any of you know how Mickey feels about this whole awards (I am gonna get to that in a moment) - stuff... Which do you think is more important to Mickey Rourke - to win an inanimate object or being back in the game. Rourke has lost so much in his life - can't you just be happy he's digging his resurgence of popularity. Him winning an Oscar seems to be for the benefit of those bitching - and not about Rourke at all.

I recently spoke with someone - about how Mickey feels about the award games. Is it important? Does he think it will make him a better actor or get better roles? - If the truth be told -winning an award guarantees neither... Although it could bring in more moolah and that's a good thing - no matter who you are.

Anywho - Mickey response was more about the hollywood system but it still addressed awards - and that Mickey had once told this person - that he didn't care about awards or accolades only in how they relate to whether or not the film he made was the film he wanted to make. I want to say - for all I know his attitude may have changed - I can only work off what people tell me - we all know Mickey Rourke comments are like the wind - ya never know which way he's gonna blow on a particular day..(lol) but that's why we dig Mickey....

Don't take my comments the wrong way - I'm not saying its not a grand gesture - for you to want that for him...Maybe an award or nomination - in your mind- validates his acting skills - then you can back the words confirming his talent - by also saying 'Hey he won an Oscar' or you just wanna see him honored after he has been shit on for so many years... but to go all fucking ballistic is not ok. I can't take your comments seriously - if you're blowing unsubstantiated bullshit out of your ass. Mickey will get his due...I was chatting with another fella in LA - who is in the business of making movies -- we are yapping and playing Monday morning Quarterback..with Mickey's career..(haha)- The topic of convo was what I am ranting about now - award shit and we both came to the conclusion and opinion - Mickey's gonna have to have a break out role in an indie film. That sort of platform gives him the freedom to completely immerse himself in the character - where the director gives him no boundaries and he can manifest his talent - then Mickey Rourke will get his recongition from Hollywood. They won't be able to ignore him...

In the end, whether Mickey gets an award or not is very insignificant to me. He has made his mark. For years , to come, after watching one of his films -The Pope, Diner,Rumble Fish, Sin City or a film yet to be made....all the boys are still gonna wanna be Mickey Rourke -and all the girls are still going to want to be with someone that has a Mickey Rourke persona.. Perhaps a better example is music. It's like that kid listening to Led Zepplin,AC/DC,The Who or The Beatles for the first time - he/she knows they dig what they hear - the music then penatrates into every part of their body - its as though the music filters into their blood - their very soul and from that precise moment that kid know he/she wants to make music....talent transcends generations. What a legacy. And we the fans - who watched his life unfold - stood behind him - bad movies and all - we never swayed. We have always been proud to admire such a great talent. Let me ask you again...How important is that statueor nomination?

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