Sunday, July 23, 2006

I Have A Headache....

Emails have been tricklin’ in steadily over the last few days. The content of the mails pertain to a photo of Mickey that appears on a certain site. The inquiries aren’t about Mickey per say but aobut the fella who is in the picture with him...the questions are similar - just worded differently - for instance - is he for real ( yes, he’s real) - where did he come from (LA) - did we know about him (we did)... Did I mention several of the visitors - sent me a copy of the pic..(lol) - This message is to the owner of the site - don’t get you panties all twisted...Sista’ and myself have known of this picture for several weeks.. in fact , KF informed us about a previous pic he had taken with Mickey . He didn’t offer either photo to us nor did we ask.. Lastly, let me state - this person who owns the picture - can give it to whomever he likes..and that picture will NEVER see the light of day on our site.. Anyway, when the emails started - I phoned Sista’ and gave her the lowdown on HairGod...We discussed how we were going to handle it cuz , we needed to respond to the people who took the time to write us - besides , .my ass ain’t sending separate emails, there are just to damn many.. So here I am - writing up the story - people are so curious about - personally Sista’ and I don’t think it’s that damn interesting.

His name is Keith Foti - he’s a stylist for Giuseppe Franco’s Salon - in Beverly Hills , Ca. And . He works on Mickey’s hair however when we first learned of KF - he wasn’t doing Mickey’s hair.

Here’s the goods on what led us to our learning about Mr. Foti in Jan 2006...
Last year - Sista’ paid another visit to Mr. Franco’s salon and wrote up a kickin’ article about her experience at the salon. Lil’ did we know - the link to the diddy’s she wrote - was picked up by several web sites that deal with providing info on salons or info on famous salon owners. Anyway, these 2 very nice ladies from Ohio emailed us - stating they were planning a trip to LA and via one of these web sites - they found Sista’s article and felt the salon would be a nice place to go...however , they were concerned - due to the fact - they had stumbled on to Mr. Foti’s site on myspace - by typing in Mr Franco’s name in a search engine - after checking it out - they were now apprehensive about going to the salon because, the profile had that whole LA vibe thing going - and they felt it implied that KF only worked on a certain type of chick’s hair. KF is total rock and roll.. And . If you're not familiar with that scene - then I’m sure it’s like a shock to your senses. Needless to say , after the visit to KF site - the ladies wanted to know - if what Sista’ wrote about Mr. Franco was true . They were referring to a particular passage in which , Sista’ had written - Mr. Franco had told her he didn’t care who you are -you’re welcomed in his salon. Needless to say , we had to mosey our ass over to KF’s myspace and have a look see for ourselves. We could understand - why these 2 ladies from Ohio-questioned the validity of Mr.Franco’s words therefore , we thought it might be a good idea to make KF aware of the fact - his name was popping when people were doing searches for Giuseppe Franco. There’s more to the story - but we aren’t going to share. Sorry.
Anyway, Sista’ and KF kept in touch on & off for a while - then one day he laid on her - that he ws now doing the color on Mickey’s hair. Eventually, he started cutting his hair & blah blah blah....

Ya we could have blabbed about all this on our site. KF’s info is public knowledge but , we had our own personal reason’s for not biting - also - we just didn’t feel the need to blow smoke up our site’s ass (hahaha)nor did we we want Mr. Franco to think we were trying to use his stylist , to get some kind of inside scoop on Mickey - in order , to make ourselves feel special. That's another reason - why - nothing KF has written about Mickey or any of his photo's of Mickey appear on our site.
Make no mistake - we understand it’s - good promotion for a celebrity stylist - to let people know who’s hair he/she is doing..That’s how they establish a name for themselves in the hair world.

Let's face it , Sista’ has spoken to the man himself. Giuseppe Franco. Who’s not only the owner of the salon but , one of Mickey’s closet friends. It’s just makes sense that Mickey goes to his salon - to get his hair done - when he’s in LA. Last I heard - Chuck Zito does the same thing. Listen , Giuesppe Franco has his own page on uniquelyrourke - everything written and all photo's - where done with his permission - along with a link to his site .

If we weren’t dealing with such unscrupulous people - all this would have laid low. Did I ever tell ya the story about one of them signing their own guest book using Giuseppe Franco’s name.

Ahhh, Mr. Franco doesn’t go around signing web site guestbooks..Thank goodness the webmaster noticed and took it down. Oh about the ladies , Sista’ emailed em’ back and told em’ they shouldn’t have problem at the salon and that Mr. Franco was genuine and meant what he said . We got a thank you email..but never heard from em’ again....

Now it’s time to go pop a couple of Tylenol... Ciao....

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