Thursday, October 12, 2006

Child's Play....

I've been contemplating whether or not I should even right this blog, but I spoke to a very special person today - and he said do it. So here, I am - trying to figure out what to say and how to say it - so I don't look like a bitch. He told me Steph remain calm and do what you need to do and move on. Don't look back - cuz, when you deal with small minded, insecure, zealots there is no resonable outcome. You can't get people like that to understand honesty or convey to them that what they dois hurting others, simply because they don't care. Oops, I'm just rambling and didn't give you the latest 411...It's about uniquelyrourke, myspace and the ignorance of other's . To begin with, Sista' and I have based our site on the truth & an open door policy, meaning if something is brought to our attention - we contact the people who know Mickey Rourke and get try and get the inside dish. Sometimes we succeed & other times we are told you can't write about that and we are like fine..ok biggie. That's the name of the game.

Our way of handling our site is up to us. If you don't like it - then leave it. Our topics are our own. For example, when it was brought to our attention that a person said they knew Mickey and was dating him. We know what we had to do to dispel that tired ole myth - Sista' and I called upon a person close friend of Mickey - we gave the dude the run down & the written info that was provided and asked him how we should deal with it. He said slam the hell outta her. She's lying. And you know what - Mickey's friend knew we would follow through cuz, that's just who we are - besides Wtf~ Mickey's people/friends know who we are . We keep in contact with them, by giving them the lowdown on what's going on...and present the info that has been sent to us. Apparently, our way of presenting the truth doesn't appeal to the tuna's.

Here's another incident - A couple of weeks ago, I slammed an individual pertaining to her lies about a certain journalist in South Florida. Some folks were sick of hearing her use his name all over the place and I was like screw it - I had written him a few months ago - asking for permission to use his article on our site. So, my ass send him an email about the situation - Poor Guy, he was perplexed by what I had told him. In fact, he thought it was a gag. Mind you - I never said anything about the crazy stuff she had said about her and this man's rumoured personal relationship...Sista' and I corresponded with him over the weekend and he flat out said - I don't know her...nor do I want to... He then went over to our site again and said we had a great site. Lie. No. It happened. The story doesn't end there... We have a profile on myspace. duh! uniquelyrourke - so we got sent this letter from one of the tuna's friends... her myspace name is just mona.

Believe me at first glance your page "appears" to be legit, but upon closer examination, it is pure BS! I don't believe one word of your allegations of "so-called-claims" by another Rourke fansite, simply because I happen to be smart enough to go back and look at all the archived postings by BOTH of your fansites and YOU are the ones who are the liars! I found NO CONCRETE EVIDENCE of any of your claims that others have said certain things or claims to know certain things and I will post bulletins informing all the people I can to check out the archives and make their own decisions about what crap you are trying to pull. I will also notify others to spread the word that your site may have started out to be true to Mr. Rourke but that now it is simply self involved and meaningless. You will be judged by the very people you are trying to impress.

Now here is the letter sent back by Sista'

We are not trying to impress anyone, just doing our own thing. We have valid, extensive, hardcore evidence of our, as you call them, claims. Very extensive. Nor are we trying to impress anyone at any time.
We didnt start anything with other Rourke sites, we work with what is given to us by fans pertaining to the matter of other Rourke sites. That evidence has been given to the appropriate people, one of which, you obviously are not.

As for your opinions, to each their own. Live and let live. We will not be threatened or bullied by anyone, and will continue to defend our site. When we opened shop, we were just doing and expressing what we wanted to in our own way. Then the crap started, of which, we didnt start. Anyone that is human would defened themselves against such an onslaught. As for judgement, they know where to find us.

In light of all your hostility, thank you for your email. We wish you well.

Oh I'm not finshed.. Yes, this person Just Mona..Sent messages to our friends on myspace. Funny thing is didn't work. It backfired right in there face. Most people sent us the letter's and other deleted it. Thinkin' she was some kind of pyscho freak. I want to give you a sample of the letter sent to our friend AMBER - who thought it was the most silly thing she had read...

Hello, I am a fan of Mr. Rourke and I feel it necessary to let everyone know that I have gone back through archived postings by both UniquelyRourke and by the other fansites they are claiming to be at war with and found that UR is full of it! They claim that they are being attacked- I didn't find any attacks except by them, they claim that things have been stolen or used without permission, not so, the pictures clearly state "used with permission" and include 'thank yous' on some. They claim that others are reporting in postings that they "know" certain people close to Mr. Rourke and I find no such claims. I wonder where they are getting this information. I do know that they have people on the other sites to keep them informed of any and all new items. It is a disgrace to Mr. Rourke and the fine work he has done to try to keep other fans off the net with their own tributes to him.

I wanna just say - I don't get all of this. If your not quilty of lies - then why are you so hostile and pull such contemptable BS on us and other Rourke fans. I can't count the numberous times - I extended an opening for ya'll to write us directly, but no - you go through others because you are cowards. You can say whatever you want about us - but you know damn good and well - we have never contacted your friends or put called you derrogatory names. Yes, Sista' and I are aware of what you do call us on your personal sites.. Trash talkin whores and sluts. Oh this diddy - came to me - in my personal such tuna - spoke of how she wanted to bash our heads in with a baseball bat and throw us in the river. Wow, that's a real lady like, considering all that those 2 do is talk about being ladies or Southern Belle's. What a crock.

Futhermore, these tuna's and their wormy counterparts have called the people we know - figments of our imagination - Just names we throw around to impress people...The people I am about to mention have spoken to us on the record...therefore, I don't feel like i am breaking a confidence by speaking about them - Here are the folks that the tuna's point their accusatory finger at ...The players of the liar's club : Mickey's Friends : Giuseppe Franco, Chuck Zito, Mickey friend E - David Unger, one of Mickey's Family memeber's, Paul (Sonny Barger's producer), Hell Angels -all of them LIE. What you have to ask yourself is - why do they talk to us and not to you. I'll tell you why- because we are straight up. Not perfect but we would never lie to em' & we ask not one thing from them.. When I don't have Mickey news.. I don't look to any of them to provide news..Oh wait - I forgot.. You even called Mickey a liar. I say this, due to the fact, you have said everything written by us is untrue. If you check the page on Giuseppe Franco - He states Mickey had read what Sista' wrote about the both of them . Franco's words were .. You made me and my brother very happy..his brother.. MICKEY ROURKE...
Bottom line - Our sources - are none of your business. We will never sell them out to prove a point..That's your problem not ours.

Other lies we have been accused of telling - The page myspace site's we designed for Mickey's Friends. HELLO!. We designed John Enos official myspace page - along with Mickey's friend E's page. Another lie - thrown on the fire to burn.

Ok so the letters didn't work - Let see - what did they do next -Go to - the site is run by the tuna's. Yes, they run alot of pretend Rourke site on myspace. Which is there right. but when you steal the copyrighted design from our site www.uniquelyrourke - and place it on the one I just mentioned. Them that makes you a theif. Oh did I mention they claim it the official site of Mickey Rourke. Ahh, trust me - Mickey Rourke would never steal from us. Why would he ..this shiot means nothing to him. REALLY. If any of you think it does - then you're delusional...

This all leads me to what was in my box today. This next post is geared toward us. Nothing has worked in the tuna's quest to defame us. We'd like to thank them for making us an important part of their lives..( Yeah right lol) anyway, I'll tell you why.. Cuz, it's irrelevant. Sista' and myself have said on plenty of occassions - the site doesn't own us nor do we think we are all that . Here's the extent of how I feel about MR & the site.. I am lucky to own and operate with my my kick ass friend Sista' - uniquelyrourke. Our vision was to do things our way. Like many other's in the world - we admire his work as an actor and his point of view about life. We work very hard but it's not the substance of our existance - meaning it doesn't define who we are ...

What else can I share... Oh this is good - You know you have pushed the envelope - when you go around saying - I can never have a happy birhday cuz, Mickey's brother died on the same die & it will never be the same....what does that say about you?.. obsessive - If it was this person's own family member.. I would say - sure I understand. In fact, I would never mention a word. Family is off limits. but to gain -some kind of sympathy and try to relate to Mickey's loss of his brother... Is Sick! Mickey , his family and Joe's friends - own that right - ..And anyone that doesn't have the balls to stand up and say hey wait.. you don't own that - is just as self-absorbing - as the person who said it...

I won't mention who wrote this tidbit. She'll know when she reads it...

To many people out there that just can't seem to print the
truth and go after the innocent!!!! ! So they can look human....reality
check here.....Human is not distroying people's lives!!!! To gain
hits!!!! Or to get on top!!!!

You may! your name's aren't mentioned. The tuna's are the only ones, who believe that we do what - we do for hits and to get on the top. Time after - Time on the skinny.. I have said - our site is not for everyone.... Being on the top or hits ...don't mean a rat's ass to me or sista'. We have lives...

Where's the reality.. It's just a damn web site. None of us are out discovering the cure for cancer, AIDS, world hunger etc... None of this means anything to Sista' or myself. Family is our main concern. Not Mickey Rourke. I'm not on the puter everyday and neither is Sista'...Now if you are and that's what you like..well, good for you -but I say - get up from behind that puter and take a walk outside. Nothing like some fresh air to get a proper prespective.

Before I close, I liked to say .. Sorry.. for my rambling. I have been busy the last several days and I am operating on only a few hours of sleep. I'm exhausted- and trying to say what I need to say - without sounding like a complete dink..

Wait ..Promise one more thing - it's really ridiculous - Listen up - (lol)We don't want to be the only Rourke site in the whole wide world. Do you know how dumb that sounds. Ahh,if you don't then there is no help for you... ;)

Night Everyone - I'm about to fall over.. I'm sooo tired.

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