Friday, October 13, 2006

Merry Go Round

Its been brought to my attention that a select few individuals, who need to feel self important, have again started a bunch of crap with our website (uniquelyrourke) and our Myspace page. Hmmm, hate is a ugly emotion, it brings out the worst in people and fuels many irrational actions. Not many things get under my skin, and this latest attack hasnt either. Many ask why and how it does not get under my answer is always the same...consider the source it comes from, its stupid really. That response is always met with laughter, for its so true. Speaking of the truth, it is hard to swallow for some people. Thus, people spend countless hours scheming up ways to try and present their lies as truth. What wasted time, scurrying around, spending your life trying to convince others that your lie is a truth. Recruiting friends and family under false pretenses. Duping Mickey Rourke fans with concocted stories and falseities that are unfounded. When backed into a corner with the truth exposing your deceit, desperation ensues. A merry go round sad people just cant be honest, however, historically certain personality types and mental states just cant grasp the truth, preferring to exsist in a fantasy land/altered reality state instead.

It has also come to my attention, via fans who feel the need to send me things, that I am being called a liar in who I know and yada yada. I dont feel the need to crow about who I know, who I dont, nor make up tall tales in order to try to convince people otherwise. Those who know me, know that Im a straight shooter, tight lipped and extremley trustworthy. So no, Im not going to spout off in order to make myself look better about anybody who I converse with, email with, nor message back and fourth with. If I did, I would sink to a level that would be unacceptable to me as a person, and go against my *grain*. The proof is in the pudding, if you need proof, check out one of countless examples, the page on uniquelyrourke titled LA Woman. I do believe you will find sufficent evidence there.

Still yearning for more? LOL!! Ok, we'll, I did have an intense, enlightening conversation with a few people who are very close to Mickey when our web designers plate got too full. I was told, directly in my ear... Im so sorry to hear that about your web designer. Whatever you do, your website must stay up. That is the snippet from that particular very informative conversation that Im comfortable sharing. Again, Im not into blabbering and running my mouth about the people I speak with...if I did, I wouldnt expect them to speak with me anymore. If the shoe was on the other foot, I would feel the same way to be bluntly honest. Who likes a blabbermoth anyway? In all my years of working with, hanging out with celebrities, rock and rollers ect ect, one resounding theme is...dont go running your mouth about what they said or who you know, because that is the last time you will ever talk with or see them again. I respect their privacy, and I expect them to respect mine in return.

In retrospect I suppose this latest attempt at discrediting our websites, Steph and I and our myspace page should have gotten under my skin. Nope, not a chance. Why? We'll I said why earlier..lmfao....but, I also know this, Steph and I's credibility is iron clad with the people who do count. Not low lying, negative energy type of people.

I could go on and on about all the lies, hatred and negativity attached to these peoples latest limp wristed, trumped up scheme. But I wont bore everyone to tears here, because after all, we are all adults and cant deny the truth when its staring us in the face. Mickey Rourke fans, by my own observation, enjoy his outspokenness, blunt honesty and his integrity when it comes to his chosen family and long time friends. Along with his obvious acting talent. Remember what happened to Mickey when he spoke the truth about the sleazyness of Hollywood? How he got himself in hot water because he called a spade a spade? Hmm, not in any way, shape or form compare myself to Mickey, that would be ludicrious, however, looks like the same situation, just different players, with this current situation Steohy and I are enduring. Some people have such a problem with the truth. When in essence, the truth will set you free.

Thats all for tonight my friends! Again, I want to thank all of those whom have brought this silly situation to our attention. Its a sad day when people sit around scheming. Hate breeds hate, negativity breeds negativity, violence breeds violence.....I for one turn on the news and see enough of that. I surround myself with positive, honest, and genuine people who are who they say they are. And that is most of our friends and website visitors, and people I cant name here. I wouldnt name anyone in particular, you know who you are :)

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