Monday, October 16, 2006

Mickey Rourke High And Low By Christopher Heard

Guess what book I have in my hot little hands at this very moment? Green Eggs And Ham?..Nope...try again..... Sam I Am?...wrong again!....Mickey Rourke High And Low By Christopher Heard, thats what! ;) Yay!! Im so excited I can barely contain myself on this one...woo-hooo!! I havent finished it yet, duh, I just got it today.... but it seems very imformative and interesting from what little Ive scanned thru thus far. At 143 pages total from cover to cover, it wont take me long to devour it. There seems to be a few surprises in the book, but Im not telling. Why? Go buy your own damn book and find out! LOL!! :)

Ill report more later when Ive had a chance to dig into it.


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