Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Tuna Drama... YAWN YAWN

OMG! Here's the latest... We are in BIG trouble now... Yeah. Right. I guess they are sending the big guns ...ooh, we're soo scared. Get over yourselves - it's just a freakin' web site. You guys truly are a waste of breathe - but you are so funny -we can't resist. The stuff you guys say is beyond stupid. It's a good laugh and fans seem to enjoy it. HAHAHA! Hey, when you guys complain about us ..Aren't you off topic? Oh that right, as long as you talk about your Queen & how victimized she is ..then it's ok.

Hey Sista'- how many times does Mickey appear in 1941 ... Oh that's right- you don't have the time or the inclination to sit and watch frame by frame - to check out Mickey's every move... Hello, can you say stalker or is more like the -I wish I were Mickey Rourke Syndrome

Our mailboxes runneth over this morning... See what we have to deal with... Isn't it sad and pathetic... Will their immaturity ever cease. Oh by the way, what people send us - is public domain... myspace nor yahoo belongs to you... duh! At least we say it on a public forum so you losers( meaning the tuna's and the worm) can read it. The bold comments are from Sista' and myself... responding to all this dripple...

Here is the Queen words... As we have verified on many occassion's no one important has heard of her....least of all... MICKEY ROURKE
oh, i'm not that tough..
but i CAN cook.. ( maybe you have one redeeming quality )
i also don't stoop to low Gestapo ( you're calling us nazi's - I don't recall Sista'or myself, rounding up Jews (that was a primary use of the Gestapo) then torturing them or even killing them. Ahh, nor have we ever had a part in sending anyone to a concentration camp. You just stooped to the lowest level. what next we had a role in the assination of Martin Luther King Jr. You are so ignorant and selfish. to compare yourself to those who have suffered the worst things known to mankind. Shame on you...You narcissistic way of thinking - makes you look foolish..(btw) Duh! we are on the computer you dink. A tough way of practicing Gestapo tactics.) I tactics in order to get attention. (no attention grabbing is your department of expertise)
nor do i attack well-meaning people unnecessarily (Yeah, what's that ole saying - I bet you take the dishes outta the sink - before you squat to take a piss) that's stemmed from jealous insecurities and exclusive to those who are.
i am neither jealous or insecure. ( Wow... you really need to prove something don't you)but it has come to my attention that members of our forum are now
being quoted elsewhere! now THAT makes me (and Yahoo! Groups) angry!
( whatever. what you say - is public domain.. You don't own the group nor do you own myspace.Your a is everyone else. You're just pissed off and it shows.)
(for starters) .. i have been advised to let you all know. (who advised you- the 100's of professional know-it-all's that trust you.)
things are going to change and i assure you, what you say in this forum is sacred
and meant for sincere Mickey Rourke fans to share their thoughts with THE GROUP!
what is said about me, i don't care! but i WILL protect those of you who are here for (we've never talked about or posted anything about Mickey Rourke from your site.. Why - cuz, we don't have a tiger beat menatality)the right reasons from being done this way!
i don't broadcast published incorrect information i hear about constantly. i get alerts,
phone calls, emails from EVERYWHERE! ( excuse me - didn't you keep saying Nic Roeg was the director of Barfly and you quoted Mickey as saying Nic Roeg was a prick.Umm, if you didn't provide that info..then you better tell all those 100's of professionals you know -that they are giving you the wrong info )
(no down-time with my day job. i don't have the luxury of being that bored)(ahh, but you are bored. You spend way to much time worrying about what we are doing.)
also, i am simply not that mean and hateful regarding people i don't even know(oh yes you are - we've been shown - what you write about us and Mickey on your other sites - as many as you have - you are quite bored) who
don't know me in the least with the exception of what they have heard from others.(you so easily forget - we heard your voice - we know of you calling fans up to 15 times a day - talking all whacked out.)
(that has been doctored heavily or just made up as it goes along). i just don't operate that way. (You threatened both Sista'and myself a couple of years ago..We thought u were screwy then and we think U are still screwy )
but if i wanted to.. i could blow 1/2 dozen people clean out of the water. ( keep playing that victim card.. You're so good at it) i have GOBS (of horse crap)
of ammunition that will not be used on-line.( wow, more violence references - you have issues) there's a MUCH better place for that evidence.( yeah, your bathroom)(All this talk of violence. I thought you were Anti-Bush - anti-war & anti-violence.. See your true colors are showing)
(and have been BEGGED for months to use it by 100s .. several who are PROFESSIONALS
in this very field of expertise who still regard me and my word very highly)( That's only because they don't know U that well. ) some.. should be actors! ( Are those the same people quoting you in Australian magazines.)

websites that use up the majority of their space talking smack about
other people usually don't have too much else to contribute.

Ahh, Hey worm - why do you keep coming back to our site...if we don't say anything..why are you so interested. You're there morning , evening, late night, and inbetween. Do you have a life? Could someone be a lil' pissed that he got kicked off a particular friend's list. In the end.. We never publish - what other's say about Mickey Rourke. We only get what people send us about us. We just decided to start posting this because more people are asking about these folks and what proof did we have that they are talking about us. Here it is....

As you can see.. their elementry school - playground bully tactics are still in full swing. Grow up...Sista' and I stopped playing on the swings and the merry-go round years ago..

Here's the latest..Queenie is screaming - we are giving her free press over Mickey..No - we are calling you out as a liar. You've done nothing but lie about Mickey Rourke, his family and others. As for her saying she has been told about what we write.. Ahh, we have the proof she has been here at the Realm today - yesterday and beyond.. I'm telling ya.. all that horse manure is frying this broad's brain...


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