Monday, November 27, 2006

An All Time Low..Even For A Tuna...

ON Nov. 19, I wrote a skinny, pertaining to the German Maxim Magazine. The jest of it was this.. Mickey poised for some photo's and did an interview. A couple of these photo's - included a beautiful woman who's name is Jen Pae..let me just say this woman is not only beautiful on the outside - she's also has a beautiful - inner self. She is a warm , funny, smart & a geninuely nice person. Sista' and I believe this is what pushed them to the edge.. A hot chick and her friendship with Mickey. A bit whacked.. Right?

Let me contine with the story of As The Tuna World Turns - : )
When the skinny was posted on the 19th we were slammed...with friend requests at myspace. As I previously stated, our profile has been privatized, due to all the problems we have had with the tunas aka other rourke sites. Anyway, they slid past us.. I guess you could say - it was my fault - they slipped by, however..they should have known we would find out and they should have known - when I found out I was going to call em' for the pathetic human beings they are -- We hadn't heard anything from them for weeks.. here we are thinking..Oh maybe they are gonna leave us alone..and go about their business...Sista' and I were like great. Everyone can do their own thing and move on.. OH NO.. they just couldn't let it go..

I don't know what the tuna's are like in real life, therefore I can' comment...but when it comes to Mickey Rourke - they will do anything to get next to him.. Even make-up a fake id.. too get close to his question is.. if they are this devious on a web site ..what does that say for them as human beings. The things Sista' and I have written about (the tunas) came from fans... Tuna's you need to realize - at times - your site visitors - didn't like the vindictive nature of your sites -

Needless to say, the moral support we have recieve has been tremendous.. We come from a good place..and good people can see that and good people can also spot JEALOUS and CRUELITY from a mile away...

AS for the tuna's and why they felt the need to use a fake id - to get on our site could be for numerous reason's. Their joining our myspace friends list on the very day of our skinny of Nov 19th is a dead give away or they could be pissed at what Sista' and I have written about them, but, whenever we wrote about them and their latest shennigans - we always had the facts to back it up.. Tuna's, since you need to know - the drill went something like this...whenever you wrote some kinda BS about us or Mickey - a fan would send it to us - the facts were in that email. We would never write something up if the facts weren't in front of me. Why the tuna's got pissed off at us - is something we never grasped. Clearly, the words were theirs and ....Sure we used those very words against them, but, only to prove - what they said about us or Mickey - wasn't true. Listen Tuna's - if a member of your group believes you are being unfair and unjust in your rambling's about us and Mickey - yes, in the past, your post were sent to us. And in all fairness, we had a right to defend ourselves against their allegations. Listen up tuna's - For Godsake's it only a damn web site and myspace. If we wanted you to join our private profile..we would have ventured over to your neck of the woods and sent you an add request.

Why the tuna's feel threatened is beyond my comprehension. We have never once felt threatened by them. Their downfall was thier continous untruths about us, Mickey and even former friends. Here's the deal Tuna's - you lied about us/others - at that moment - ya'll decided - ya'll wanted to take us on .. like another web site owner you ran off. Silly isn't it. The tuna's have turned this in to some kind of internet - OK Corral -Hello Tuna's. the bad guys lost or gave up. Let it go, we aren't going anywhere and this ain't the ole west.

This last fishing expedition of the tuna's all rested upon a virus that was traced back to them - that's how we found out they had slipped onto our myspace friends list. Yep, one of the tuna's - has a virus and the real kicker is ..not only did they give it to us, our friends - but they passed it to along to a friend of Mickey Rourke's. See when the tuna's -- were going to Mickey's friend's pages..checking them out - they left a lil' present (virus) for a couple of em'. Thank Goodness not all of em' got it & getting this info cost me some dough. How odd..was it to learn the tuna/tuna's were on our myspace and the way we found out - they were on myspace goes to show - what goes around comes around. You tuna's once again have egg - all over your face. A virus called you out. How did we find out..Well, we simply contacted myspace & another service...and the virus was traced. Its not like it was some kind of complicated virus. Just one of those myspace things.. We also have a tracking of all the days you were on our myspace ...and the dumbest thing you did..was read our myspace blog and click the link to our web site..DUH!!! It shows up ..HELLO!

This next surprise diddy is for won't have much value for those reading this...
The records given to us - of our myspace account - shows your - isp address.. oh yeah, Cousin It.. if ya didn't know it.. you register as Stanford NC & Lemon Springs.. and we notice how you tried to hide your isp..DUH! it didn't work. I'll save you and the queen a lil' embarassment by not putting up the number's to your isp..but keep pushing me...

Nov 19 7
Nov 21 ... 2
Nov 22 ... 2
Nov 24 ... 3
Nov 25 (the Queen Tuna herself) 2
Nov 25 3

On Sunday, Nov 26, we cleaned house on myspace...and no more tuna's...YAY!!!

If I come off harsh, well I just can't help it. I am a very intense chick, with a hot temper.... and I think the frustration associated is my trying to wrap my brain around their.... indecent obsession with Mickey Rourke - you would think it would be all they have done to us, but, no its just what I stated...and you know what- I'm not doing it anymore. It is pointless exercise, due to the fact, ...I can't think on that level of a twisted reality -- And now.. they have gone and spoiled it for all those Fans who are legit & who want to be a part of our myspace...these folks... will find it more difficult to join.. We made our myspace profile private for a reason. We only let those folks in ..who we think is gonna respect those who know Mickey and respect the rights of all who are on our site..

So, tuna's - we know the routine after you read one of our blogs or the skinny - you get on your sites and groups ..and tell everyone how horrible we are ..and how we are ruining your reputations..but the thing you need to I've previously stated before,is go look in the mirror.. remember you just shit on Rourke fans and now a couple of long time friends of Mickey Rourke... and why .. cuz, you just couldn't take it .. your selfish and you think you deserve something more than you haven't earned. When are you gonna get it.. some people like our site and others like yours. We are different people and you're angry - that you've never been able to control us.... It really irrates the F#$k outta ya - that the very chicks - you guys treated like pieces of sh!t..are now running a pretty damn good Rourke site..(at least that is what we have been told)

Just think... if it weren't for that lil' ole virus.. we never would have known those tuna's were even on our myspace. Payback is a bitch !!!

ps.. camden .. I hope this satisfies you....

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