Thursday, October 20, 2005

Domino - Love It , Leave it Or Get It Over It !!!

I got an interesting email survey from Newline Cinema last night . If your not familiar with the name - these are the folks that backed Domino . There were 5 questions about Domino , such as , have you seen the movie - did you tell anyone about the movie - I clicked the 5 or more box. I should say my ass has told more then 5 people - due to the fact , Sista and I have mentioned Domino on the Realm and on our other site many times.

I can't believe the movie is now at number 7 - according to Box Office Mojo - with a gross of 5.9 million . Whoppee Fuk !! I should say this movie never had a fair chance . Between critics and Tony Scott hater's on the web it didn't help this movie one iota . Lets not forget the slumping box office and we all know that's not going away anytime soon . You know who I feel bad for - Tony Scott . Come on - you thought I would say Mickey . Awww , Mr Rourke's career is still rising , and he did a fine job in Domino . My heart goes out to Mr Scott . This is just my perception and it don't mean a hill of beans , but he seemed to have really wanted to make this film to pay homage to his friend Domino Harvey . In all the interviews I have read or seen related to Domino - he never failed to mention her and he genuinely cared about this woman . How can anyone not respect this man for what he tried to accomplish : Domino was a film several yrs in the making - Mr Scott finally brought it to life with a solid script & talented cast ..along with the fact , that no one gave credit to Scott or Kelly with presenting an original concept or screenplay . Hey folks , I don't know if you noticed - but originality left stagnant Hollywood a long time ago - and I don't think it will ever come back . It seems most would have been happy if Domino were a Top Gun 2 or a True Romance - the carnage continues type of film .

What I don't understand is the Rourke fans who have contacted me weary of seeing Domino . First of all , fans write in all the time , when 's Mickey's next movie and all this other blah blah bullshiot . What's the problem ? It's almost like some of you don't have minds of your own . WTF! are you doing listening to critics or friends with diarrhea of the mouth convincing you the movie sucked . All I can say is stop reading reviews and give you friends some Immodium AD . Furthermore , what the hell is up with this motion sickness question because of the editing . If your a Rourke fan - which I have my doubts about a few of you -think SPUN , duh , Tony Scott's Domino is mellow compared to Jonas Akerlund's riding Tina hard all week , rollercoaster ride .

For fuk's sake , I don't get it - I am the kinda chick that does what the hell I want . I don't need anybody persuading me to do anything , especially , when it comes to seeing a flick . What is up with some of you whiney fan's . You are asking me to cut and paste reviews from newspapers whether good or bad . It ain't happening here . I would rather hear from everyday joes/josephines writing about their observations in the comment sections so everyone can get an idea of how they felt about the film . Damn, I am getting to the point where I would rather read another Mickey love letter written by some chick dressed in gold or with her lovebox hanging out then hear all this biotching comin my way bout Domino . Yeah , I said lovebox - that is what some chick called her hooch . Whatever - floats her boat . I'll tell ya - I just don't get it .
All right - I am back on track . Here I go one more time : Domino is high energy action - infused with in your face comedy and a take no prisoners attitude . Its called entertainment . Plain and simple . I wasn't bored , confused nor did I regurgitate from motion sickness caused by Tony Scott's signature editing style . I'd be the first to tell ya - if Domino sucked up the ass - regardless of Mickey Rourke's role in the film . - See it . don't see it ( which by the way , is your loss ). It's up to you .


Anonymous said...

I liked Domino when are you going to do more with your site

Anonymous said...

Going to see Domino tonight..
My favorite Mickey Rourke movie is 91/2 weeks. what did you think of it

Anonymous said...

looking for a copy of True Hollywood Story or boxing matches . How can i find these

Heather Leather said...

If you are inquiring about our site right now our hands are tied, as our web designers puter is down. Stephy and I have lots of kick ass things to put up there, along with additional pages. soon as our web designer is up and runnin', well get the new things up ASAP. Thanx for the inquiry

Heather Leather said...

Barfly- The E True Hollywood Story of Mickey rocks.Although now its a bit dated, its still a must see. Its very hard to get ahold of, however I have a sneaky suspicion that I know of someone who could perhaps get a copy for you. Ill look into it, and letcha know. As for Boxing footage, the only thang floating around Ebay that weve seen is the boxing compilation called *ONE*. Its about when Mickey was in Japan for a boxing match. The camera crew followed him around, it is a really great muct see also. Id check Ebay for that particular thang.