Friday, November 11, 2005

Last Chance people, speak up!

Im referring to my Giuseppe Franco Steps up To the Plate Blog here. If you need a refresher, juz go back and re-read my post on it :)

I want to thank everyone for their insightful, interesting questions thus far, even the kinda weird ones...lmfao...Anyway.... don't be shy, post em' under the comments section here, or post em' under the comments section of the original Blog, or ya can email em' to me, like many of you have been doing. Seems some of ya are kinda shy, but hey, I can respect and understand that. Im going to have to cut off the questions here by Wednesday, so speak now. Its your last chance folks. Ive learned something out of all of this too, that is, I had no clue so many people had hair related issues. I guess it just goes to show ya, you can always learn something new everyday.


Anonymous said...

What are the trends for the holdiay season in hair? I am going to a formal Christmas party and want to know if its fashionable to wear my hair up or down.

Anonymous said...

I read on your site that you products will be available for purchase at other salons. When is this going to happen ?

Anonymous said...

Does your salon ship products overseas? thank you

Anonymous said...

I want to see pictures of the stylists who work at your salon. I would like to see who I am making an appointment with before I come so I know what to expect.

Anonymous said...

read the article about you on uniquelyrourke. why do you feel it is important to have average women or men visit your salon. you seem to be quite sucessful without having the middle class going to your salon besides with all the money and snobbery surrounding Berverly Hills, why would someone like myself ( working mom ) be willing to be put in a potential uncomfortable position. you can't guarantee I or anyone else of a modest background would be treated differently.

Anonymous said...

Is using essential oils on your scalp good or bad?

Anonymous said...

Whats so great about using a boar bristle brush on your hair? Is there a noticable difference?

Anonymous said...

hope I didn't miss the deadline. my questions is where can I send mickey a picture I wanted to get signed by him.

Anonymous said...

Its killer seeing mickey back
how did you handle watching mickey fucking up his life and career ?

Anonymous said...

wondering what is the best part of your job