Saturday, February 18, 2006

Win A Free Domino DVD

Yep, ya read that right folks! I too had to do a double take on that one. There I was waitin' in the check out line at the grocery store ( why the hell am I always at the grocery store when this shiot happens?) perusing the tabloid crap mags. I had In Touch Weekly in my hot little hands, was flippin' thru it and out screams Win Kieras Fast And Furious Flick, accompanied by a piccy of Kiera in Domino. Basically it's a send a post card to kinda thang. I was feelin' generous and scribbled down the addy for ya...its send your name and address to
Domino Giveaway
c/o In Touch
P.O. Box 1663
Englewood, NJ

After readin' the fine print bout' the rules, ya send a 3.5 by 5 inch post card to the addy above with your full name, age and mailing address. Also, your postcard must be post marked by March 3rd 2006 - for the rest of the rules and shiot, hook up with the Feb. 27th issue of In Touch. I aint responsible for dumb ass behavior....lmfao. By entering the contest you give em' permission to use your name when they post who won the damn thang. Anyway, I thought this would be an option for those of you who have pilliged your couch cushions for some dough and came up empty handed. Luckily my couch cushions seem to be very giving ;o)

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